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ACP - Art Capital Partners

45 Rockefeller Plaza 630 Fifth Avenue, 20th Floor, Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos




Espacios expositivos: ACP - Palazzo Franchetti, San Marco 2842 Venice, Veneto, Italia



Descripción del Servicio para el arte

Art Capital Partners (ACP) was created to provide a worldwide marketplace for art promotion and investment. Through our subsidiaries and affiliated partners, we conduct exhibition and project activities around the world to bring the best examples of art to the public. We collaborate both with prominent and young contemporary artists to deliver their work in various parts of the world. We also strive to support artists through educational, promotional, and exhibition programs. Along with contemporary art, we operate also in other art segments, including old masters, impressionists, and modern art. Our corporate structure offers an array of core art and investment capabilities, so we are able to meet the unique needs of both artists and clients. Our expertise allows us to remove uncertainty and risks surrounding art appraisals. We also assist in obtaining the best proposals on the market utilizing our consulting and business services for collectors. We employ a worldwide team of experienced professionals to ensure authentication and provenance of each art piece. We are able to offer our clients a multicultural, multilingual team approach. Our excellence is a result of innovative solutions and a practical, strategic mindset. ACP stands on impeccable business practices to ensure confidentiality and privacy. Our affiliates include Art Marketing Partners, Capital Art Fund, and the ACP Foundation.

Exposiciones de ACP - Art Capital Partners

Entrada actualizada el el 19 abr de 2022

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

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