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Transart Institute for Creative Research

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Estados Unidos




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Descripción de la Organización

Transart Institute for Creative Research is a space for experimentation and thinking in any form; for sharing and connecting; and offering practice-led graduate programmes in a low-residency model. We champion self-directed, curious, flexible and socially engaged creative researchers working independently and/or collectively. Our border-free model and reputation attract a diverse international body of students and advisors from equally diverse artistic and academic contexts and geographic locations as part of a global, trans-disciplinary research community; creating opportunities to expand, enhance and sustain individual and collective practices in the world, beyond the walls of the academy. We support research in: new narratives, international diaspora, post-nationalism and post-colonialism; exile; the role of art in peace and mediation; home; space(s) in between; temporary architecture; ecologies of learning; otherness and the uncanny. The independent Transart Institute was founded and is operated entirely by artists since 2004. Transart is a member of the ELSE Foundation consortium of global creative researchers.

Premios organizados por Transart Institute for Creative Research

Entrada actualizada el el 31 oct de 2017

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

Premio. 09 sep de 2024 - 13 oct de 2024 / Madrid, España

#VersionaThyssen XXI

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Exposición. 12 sep de 2024 - 16 nov de 2024 / Helga de Alvear / Madrid, España

En la noche

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Formación. 15 oct de 2024 - 30 jun de 2024 / Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza / Madrid, España

Organismo I Art in Applied Critical Ecologies

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