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Thibault Poutrel Contemporary Art (TPCA)

Organización con colección
24-38 Shepherdess Walk, London, London, City of, Reino Unido




Espacios expositivos: Thibault Poutrel Contemporary Art (TPCA), 24-38 Shepherdess Walk London, London, City of, Reino Unido

Thibault Poutrel

Con obra de

Claudia Andújar

Claudia Andújar

Danh Vo

Danh Vo

Edgardo Aragón

Edgardo Aragón

Arte conceptual  Arte contemporáneo  Arte latinoamericano 


Descripción de la Organización

Thibault Poutrel, young art collector and sponsor of international institutions (Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou in Paris, Tate Modern…) and societies of collectors (ADIAF…) wishes to participate in the dissemination of contemporary art. After his studies at Sciences Po Paris and the London School of Economics, he started his career in new technologies investment, fascinated by the changes technological change induces in human relations and social structures. Establishing a parallel between his passion for art and his interest pour innovation, Thibault intends to remain committed in both areas. The Thibault Poutrel collection uses as its Ariadne’s thread the History of the peoples, especially with regard to the construction of their identity, as well as their relationship with boundaries and territory. It questions the impact of Time on individual or collective memory. It also focuses on the evolution of writing, of books and image as a vehicle for memory. It finally questions the evolution of groups and minorities, caught in a vice between individual identity and collective consciousness. It is through themed exhibitions and loans that Thibault Poutrel intends to share his taste for contemporary art.

Entrada actualizada el el 11 dic de 2017

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