Con obra de
Descripción de la Organización
La Colección Franks-Suss, con sedes en Londres, Sydney y Hong Kong, lleva generándose desde principios de los años 2000 e incluye cientos de piezas de todos los medios. Aunque iniciada con arte chino, ha ampliado su foco con posterioridad a artistas de otros países emergentes, mostrando especial interés por aquellos procedentes de las más importantes escuelas de arte británicas.
The Franks-Suss Collection is now in its twelfth year and has grown to become a collection of almost a thousand pieces of work across all media. In our early days we focused almost entirely on China. As the collection grew our focus widened to the other emerging nations. From our outset, we were also a keen supporter of the wonderful output from the UK’s leading art schools and continue to be keen supporters today.
The collection’s focus remains on emerging and mid career artists from countries undergoing significant social, economic, or political change. We recognised early on that some of the most interesting and exciting art was coming out of countries such as China, Brazil, Korea as well as other Asian nations.
With outposts in London, Hong Kong and Sydney, we continue to search for exciting artists doing something new or something technically brilliant, or bold, or beautiful or all of the above. In the last year alone, we have bought artworks from artists based in over 20 different countries.
We are very proud that so many of the artists in our collection have gone from success to success, and we are especially proud that we started supporting their work in the very earliest days of their careers. For Tamar and Eli, the curators of the collection, and Rob and I, this is a source of great pride.
The Franks-Suss collection continues to grow, and we continue to strive to support the artists in our collection. Through our relationships with museums and public galleries, other collections, leading art dealers, auction houses and of course, through the shows we put on, we seek always to promote our artists and help bring them to a wider audience. Of course, many of the artists in our collection no longer need that kind of support, but the younger ones do, and we will continue to shout their names to help them get the attention they deserve; whether it be Jonas Wood, Caroline Walker, Michael Vasquez, Christian Schoeler, or Steve Bishop.
This long term support we give our artists underlies the essence of the collection and the drive everyone at the collection shares for what we do. The collection is not about investment or financial gain, (as sadly so many collections have become about). Our collection is about a shared passion for art and those whom create it. Those whose talents, fears, psychology, experiences and philosophy impels them to innovate, push boundaries, open our eyes, senses and mind and those whose innate style and aesthetic sensibility gives them an aptitude for creating things of genius and beauty. That is what we are about and that is why we support our artists for the long term.
This is important. This collection will not contribute to the commoditising of art that we are seeing in so many spheres. This collection will follow passion and values, not financial return and social standing. Our philosophy and values is as important to us as our taste and curatorial merit. We hope that in all we do that we honour the ingenuousness and beauty of the artistic mind and drive.
The Franks – Suss Collection is not simply about purchasing and collecting works of art. Since we established the collection over a decade ago we have always had a focus on not only on searching for and finding new talent but on also championing the artists we found.
And in championing our artists we hope we demonstrate to them our belief in and connection to their art and themselves. Our commitment to our artists is a key feature of the collection. We are not passive collectors. We are everything but passive collectors.
To promote our artist we hold shows in galleries, public spaces and museums, we help our artists find galleries to represent them, introduce them to other collectors and collections, introduce them to other artists, sometimes for advice sometimes for collaboration. We give commissions and promote their work to journalists and other curators. We include their work in other shows that the collections curators hold for other museums and public institutions. We do everything we can to show our solidarity and passion for our artists work. And nothing beats that feeling when our efforts have their desired affect and help an artist achieve their full potential.
As long as we keep finding emerging artists who excite us we will keep working hard to show their work to as wide an audience as possible and keep shouting about them and their work. Thankfully today we see many exciting artists on our horizon and plenty to keep shouting about.
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Formación. El 26 mar de 2025 / Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza / Madrid, España
Ebó, mandinga y garrafadas: recetas entremedio de la cultura para sobrevivir al fin