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Saphira & Ventura Gallery

Galería de arte
4 W 43rd Street, Suite 416, Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos




Espacios expositivos: Saphira & Ventura Gallery - São Paulo, Alameda Lorena, 1756 - Jd Paulista São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Saphira & Ventura Gallery - Nueva York, 4 W 43rd Street, Suite 416 Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA

Scope Miami 2017

Scope Miami 2017

Con obra de

Georgina Lujano - Gina Lujano

Georgina Lujano - Gina Lujano

Artistas que representa

Emerson Alves de Paula - Emerson de Paula

Emerson Alves de Paula - Emerson de Paula

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Correo electrónico

Descripción de la Organización

Saphira & Ventura Gallery located in the heart of New York between Grand Central and Time Square, opened its doors in 2014. Specializing in modern and contemporary art, we seek to promote and exhibit the cutting edge artists of today with pieces by timeless masters. Our collection of artists ranges from established artists to Masters such as Frida Kahlo, Georgia O'Keefe, Keith Haring, Salvador Dali, and Jackson Pollock. Since our inauguration, we have mounted many exhibitions of diverse themes, from abstract to surreal, European to Latin American, Middle Eastern to Asian. These efforts are employed via group exhibitions, internationally recognized art fairs, and special events. Our gallery is dedicated to expanding the possibilities of our international artists and providing a wide selection for our buyers. In 2016 we opened our Sao Paulo branch located in the Hotel Transamerica Classic Opera in the thriving street, Alameda Lorena, where we also operate a shop and bistro. Apart from this, we enjoy strong affinity partnerships with several international exhibitors to ensure that our artists and clientele have a rich and diverse experience.

Exposiciones de Saphira & Ventura Gallery

Entrada actualizada el el 05 jun de 2023

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

Exposición. Desde 28 mar de 2025 / Artium Museoa - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del País Vasco / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España

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