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Mónica Reyes Gallery

Galería de arte
602 E Hastings Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadá




Espacios expositivos: Mónica Reyes Gallery, 602 E Hastings Street Vancouver, British Columbia, Canadá

Con obra de

Fernanda Levine Flalagan

Fernanda Levine Flalagan

Sebastián Maquieira

Sebastián Maquieira

Acrílico  Dibujo  Escultura  Fotografía  Grabado  Light Art  Oleo sobre lienzo  Pintura  Serigrafía  Video arte 

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Descripción de la Organización

Mónica Reyes Gallery (MRG) has been backing the growth and development of emerging and mid-career artists at its current location since 2013. Serving the local and international art scene, MRG promotes artist initiatives invested in shaping the economies of art and culture. Located in the heart of Strathcona, the gallery is uniquely positioned to create dialogues with the artists and cultural engineers who call the neighbourhood home. With a commitment to advancing the cultural capital of the city the gallery has since partnered with Pattison to present The Billboard Project (2020). Over the years, the gallery served as the catalyst and headquarters for the Vancouver based artist collective A.K.A and hosted its first set of projects, Diffractions of the Local I & II. MRG has built connections both nationally and internationally, reaching new markets and influencing collectors, curators and artists by participating in fairs in NorthAmerica and Canada like the Toronto International Art Fair, Miami Project, Seattle Art Fair, Texas Contemporary and Papier Montreal. Founder and director Mónica Reyes has been a longstanding figure in the Vancouver art scene having served as Vice President of the Contemporary Art Society of Vancouver, the Board of Latincouver. Today she sits on the Board of the Strathcona Board Improvement Assosiation. Reyes is committed to investing in art that gives voice to the cultural diversity of the Pacific Northwest. ​ MRG's regular exhibition program and special events provide artists with opportunities for artists to show work that includes range of practices from more traditional forms of painting, sculpture and photography to experimental video, durational performance, spatial interventions, installation and poetry.

Exposiciones de Mónica Reyes Gallery
Art on Paper

Entrada actualizada el el 08 may de 2021

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