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Meyer Riegger

Galería de arte
Schaperstrasse 14,, Berlin, Alemania




Espacios expositivos: Meyer Riegger, Schaperstrasse 14 Berlin, Alemania

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA

ARCOmadrid 2025

ARCOmadrid 2025

ARCOmadrid 2024

ARCOmadrid 2024

ARCOmadrid 2023

ARCOmadrid 2023

Artistas que representa

Paulo Nazareth

Paulo Nazareth

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Descripción de la Organización

Located in Berlin and Karlsruhe the gallery maintains a diverse exhibition program with solo exhibitions of the gallery artists as well as group exhibitions and special projects. The gallery deals in a distinctive combination of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, video film, performance and installation-based work. The gallery has consistently maintained a very strong focus and commitment to the curatorial aspect of all its exhibitions. The origins of the gallery date back to 1997 when Jochen Meyer and Thomas Riegger opened their gallery with AND THEN THERE WERE NONE, an exhibition showing pieces from the Marzona Collection. Conceived in reference to a certain era, the exhibition was at the same time a benchmark for the gallery program, in which the gallery has tried to use the political and aesthetic potential of these positions as a link to the present. The focus on conceptual positions that emphasize the emancipatory potential of art as well as underlining the transcendent capacity of their existence, while always remaining aware that art, as a product of human labor, also reflects society's condition of dependency.

Exposiciones de Meyer Riegger
Oliver Roura — Cortesía del artista

Entrada actualizada el el 08 feb de 2023

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