Con obra de
Descripción de la Organización
Real estate developer, investor and Michelin-star restaurant owner, John Marquez has over the past decade expanded from collecting street artists such as Banksy and KAWS through to a broader, more representative range of emerging and mid-career artists. In 2021, Marquez will inaugurate the John Marquez Family Collection, a foundation dedicated to showcasing his collection to more fully support and grow the careers of these artists. Think: Harold Ancart, André Butzer, Javier Calleja, Nina Chanel Abney, Emily Mae Smith and Joyce Pensato.
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Formación. El 26 mar de 2025 / Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza / Madrid, España
Ebó, mandinga y garrafadas: recetas entremedio de la cultura para sobrevivir al fin