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Index - The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation

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Kungsbrostrand, 19, Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Suecia




Espacios expositivos: Index - The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Kungsbrostrand, 19 Stockholm, Stockholms Lan, Suecia

Martí Manen
   Director desde Agosto de 2018
Arte contemporáneo 

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Descripción de la Organización

Index is based in the centre of Stockholm and offers an ambitious program of exhibitions, events and learning activities for a wide range of audiences. The program includes emerging artists with specifically produced new work, alongside presentations by artists from previous generations shown in a new perspective. Larger projects are accompanied by an extensive public program, often produced in collaboration with other organizations in Stockholm and abroad, with talks and film screenings, music, dance and poetry events. Index takes risks and opens up various ways to encounter contemporary culture and debate. Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2015, Index is today one of the most important and longest-standing spaces for contemporary art in Scandinavia. “One can hardly overestimate the importance of experimental institutions, which work more freely than major museums and commercial galleries. In Stockholm, Index is perhaps the most convincing example of such a platform for new generations of artists, both Swedish and international. Index presented a show by Eija-Liisa Ahtila long before she became a big name. The same is true for Wolfgang Tillmans and the duo Elmgreen/Dragset. Index also re-introduced artists that had great importance in previous decades and helped to retrieve their relevance, such as Sture Johannesson and J O Mallander. Index is, in short, a key institution for the Scandinavian art scene.” – Daniel Birnbaum, Moderna Museet

Exposiciones de Index - The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation
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Entrada actualizada el el 23 may de 2022

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Noticias relacionadas

Entrevistas, 31 mar de 2020

Martí Manen: "En momentos como el actual lo que demuestra la 'calidad humana' del sistema es la cultura, lo demás es barbarie"


"Hemos vivido una inflación de actividad, hemos apretado la máquina para que funcionara a una velocidad extremadamente alta. A lo mejor es el momento para frenar y buscar otros ritmos".

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