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Drawing Lab Paris

Centro de arte
17, rue de Richelieu, Paris, Ile-de-France, Francia




Espacios expositivos: Drawing Lab Paris, 17, rue de Richelieu Paris, Ile-de-France, Francia

Arte contemporáneo  Dibujo 


+33 (0)1 73 62 11 17

Correo electrónico

Descripción de la Organización

Founded by Christine Phal and the Endowment Fund for Contemporary Drawing (Fonds de Dotation pour le Dessin Contemporain), the objective of Drawing Lab Paris is to endow contemporary drawing with enduring means for sustainable practices. Drawing Lab Paris is a private art center dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of contemporary drawing. It is above all a place of experimentation and production with drawing in all its forms, by providing contemporary artists with the possibility to explore drawing’s full spectrum. Artists are invited to occupy the 150m2 space, to try on new techniques, to create innovative works of art, and to propose a new point of view on contemporary drawing. Drawing Lab Paris allows independent curators to present emerging or established artists’ work by applying to our call for project. All proposals are subject to a rigorous selection process by the international art committee which is composed of key figures from the world of contemporary art and contemporary drawing scene. With three exhibitions a year, the center hosts curated projects by french and international artists. An exhibition catalogue is edited by the Drawing Lab Paris, and released in the center’s shop. For every exhibition, Drawing Lab Paris organizes events to allow audiences to learn about and deepen understanding of contemporary drawing: conferences, artist interviews, curator talks, projections… but also creative workshops for children, and guided tours for groups and individuals. Drawing Lab Paris is located on the lower level of Drawing Hôtel, founded by Carine Tissot. Her special relationship with this spot in the vicinity of major cultural sites, including the Louvre, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs and the Centre Pompidou ensures both local and international exposure.

Exposiciones de Drawing Lab Paris

Entrada actualizada el el 19 jul de 2021

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