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DePaul Art Museum - DPAM

935 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos




Espacios expositivos: DePaul Art Museum - DPAM, 935 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos

Julie Rodrigues Widholm
   Directora y comisaria jefe desde Agosto de 2015

Con obra de

Diego Rivera

Diego Rivera

Graciela Iturbide

Graciela Iturbide

Harold Méndez

Harold Méndez

Arte latinoamericano  Latinx art 

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Correo electrónico

Descripción de la Organización

From its founding in 1898 DePaul University has focused on its urban setting and the importance of providing higher education to underserved populations. For many years its students were largely drawn from the Chicago area, but in the past decade enrollment has increased dramatically and now two-thirds of entering students are not residents of the city. The university’s commitment to the city and to urban issues has only increased; numerous academic initiatives focus on Chicago, particularly on addressing issues of social justice. All entering undergraduate students participate in courses related to the city and its neighborhoods (the Discover Chicago program), and many students and staff are involved in programs that focus their work directly on aspects of urban life (Community-Based Service Learning). DePaul Art Museum is a 15,000-square-foot building on the university’s Lincoln Park campus. Staffed by museum professionals, it serves as a focal point for teaching and discussion through visual arts and material culture. It supports the educational mission of the university through its collections, exhibitions, programs, and events, which allow both students and members of the wider community to explore broadly the visual representation of ideas over time and space. Its collections and programs are diverse, but strongly represent art of the Chicago area. Many of its projects are historical or thematic in focus, but the gallery has a commitment to showing contemporary art as a means of exploring aspects of our own culture.

Entrada actualizada el el 05 mar de 2020

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