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De Ateliers

Cortesía de De Ateliers
Stadhouderskade 86, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Holanda
Espacios expositivos:
De Ateliers
Stadhouderskade 86 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Holanda
Enlaces oficiales:
Correo electrónico:
Descripción de la Organización
De Ateliers is an independent artists' institute founded in 1963. It focuses on the artistic development of young, talented artists from within the Netherlands and abroad. The monumental building in the center of Amsterdam offers twenty-three spacious studios. These are placed at the disposal of beginning artists who wish to combine intensive self-motivation with critical guidance. De Ateliers is not an educational institution. Its policy as a foundation is determined by the supervising artists. Dominic van den Boogerd is its director; Elly Reurslag is manager and Eveline Schuurhof is responsible for the day-to-day management. As an internationally renowned institution, De Ateliers receives financial support from the Department of Culture of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences and of the Mondriaan Fund. The executive board of De Ateliers consists of Joop van Caldenborgh, Pierre Audi, Jochem de Koning and Anne Marie Stordiau. Members of the board do not receive reimbursement. ...



Entrada actualizada el el 01 dic de 2015

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