Con obra de
Descripción de la Organización
Iniciada em 1999, a Coleção Moraes-Barbosa (São Paulo, Brasil) é um repositório de arte conceptual e videoarte além de um arquivo de 15.000 objetos de dança e performance, música experimental, poesia visual, revistas e publicações de arte. Atualmente, encontram-se em curso vários projetos com artistas, investigadores e críticos de arte que exploram o arquivo, bem como um projeto com a Universidade de São Paulo dedicado ao estudo da arte e inteligência artificial.
Coleção Moraes-Barbosa started in 1999. Ever since, their collection has been evolving, focusing at first on Brazilian modern masters, and soon incorporating Brazilian and Latin American contemporary artists. Since 2012, Jacopo Crivelli Visconti joined them as Curator of the collection, to help conceiving and developing a long-term strategy for the collection.
In the last years, the main focuses of the collection have been: Significant works by international contemporary artists; Original works, documentation and ephemera of conceptual practices from the 1960s to the 1980s; relevant Catalogues, Artist Books, Magazines, LPs, Cassettes and Monographs that help contextualize the works that compose the collection.
More and more, the moraes-barbosa collection has been active in fostering, either as institutional partner, sponsoring or producering, a series of activities such as artists residencies (in Brazil and abroad), curating and organizing exhibitions and editing monographic publications on young Brazilian artists.
Arte en Datos, 13 dic de 2021
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