Con obra de
Descripción de la Organización
La Fundación Cintas se estableció con fondos de la herencia del difunto Oscar B. Cintas (1887 - 1957), ex embajador de Cuba en los Estados Unidos y un prominente industrial y mecenas de las artes. Otorga las Becas Cintas, entre cuyos ganadores se incluyen artistas visuales como Cundo Bermúdez, Quisqueya Henríquez, Lydia Rubio, Gean Moreno, Baruj Salinas, Mario Petrirena, José Chardiet, Luis Gispert, María Brito, Liset Castillo, Carlos Alfonso y Andrés Serrano.
The Cuban Arts Foundation—later the CINTAS Foundation—was founded in 1957 by the Cuban philanthropist, diplomat, art collector, businessman, and bibliophile Oscar Cintas (1887-1957), just prior to his death. In 1963, the CINTAS fellowship program began in New York City, executed by the Institute of International Education, which after World War II was devoted to promoting exchanges between the United States and the world, managing programs including the Fulbright. Luis Lastra, former staff member of the Visual Arts Unit of the Pan American Union, explains that the Institute of International Education was in charge of setting guidelines for participation in the fellowship program. Fellowships are granted in four disciplines: visual arts, creative writing, music composition and architecture and design.
When the CINTAS Foundation was created, the New York Times published an article that cited the foundation as existing to “encourage art within Cuba, and art created by persons of Cuban citizenship or lineage outside of the country.” However, due to the political issues caused by the Cuban revolution, such as the breaking down of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States, the United States-based foundation opened the program for artists living outside of the island. Beginning with the 2017-2018 competition, the fellowship was opened to artists living in Cuba.
Actualidad, 07 ene de 2015
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