Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
Con obra de
Artistas que representa
Descripción de la Organización
Cecilia de Torres, Ltd. is a gallery specializing in South American Constructivism and Geometric Abstraction. It was founded in 1993, to promote the work of the artists of the “Taller Torres-García” (TTG), the workshop Joaquín Torres-García founded in Montevideo in 1943.
Since then, the gallery has featured over fifty exhibitions of modern and contemporary artists, including curated thematic shows such as: “65 Years of Constructivist Wood: 1930-1995” (1995), “North and South Connected: Abstraction of the Americas” (1998), “Eduardo Costa – Volumetric Paintings” (2001), “César Paternosto – Painting as Object: The Lateral Expansion, New Works” (2012), and “Expanding the Line: Drawing, Video, and Sculpture” (2017-2018). The gallery has also hosted the first New York solo exhibitions of artists León Ferrari, Sarah Grilo, Gerd Leufert, and Elias Crespin.
In addition to her work at the gallery, Cecilia de Torres is internationally recognized as the leading authority on Joaquín Torres-García and the artists associated with his workshop. Ms. de Torres has curated and contributed to numerous museum exhibitions and writes extensively on Torres-García and the artists of the TTG. She is also regularly consulted by renowned museums and auction houses regarding this work.
In May 2015, following forty years of research, Cecilia de Torres published the online catalogue raisonné of Joaquín Torres-García, available to the public at the website www.torresgarcia.com.
Mercado, 19 jul de 2018
La galería Lelong & Co. representará el Estate de Sarah Grilo
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Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Formación. El 26 mar de 2025 / Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza / Madrid, España
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