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Descripción de la Organización

Audiotalaia is an online platform, a netlabel devoted to produce, curate, support and disseminate works around experimental music, sound creativity and beyond. Audiotalaia has been operating from Catalonia, Scotland and currently in Valencia. The label has three main catalogues: The Digital Catalogue, The Physical Catalogue and The Live Recordings Archive. The Digital Catalogue operates on a netlabel basis, releasing works under Creative Commons Licenses free to download. This archive holds the majority of releases on the label. Between 2009 and 2014 the catalogue released works on a monthly basis. The albums are released in Mp3, WAV, AIFF and Lossless formats. The Physical Catalogue is dedicated to release physical limited editions of curated works by different artists. The catalogue has a unique design and packaging for each of the releases conforming a collection of works on a wide range of styles and aesthetics. The editions are all hand-crafted, numbered and released in CD and CDr formats. The Live Recordings Archive is a repository and testimony of the majority of events held by Audiotalaia in Valencia (Spain). It serves as chronological archive spreading abroad the activities organized and curated in various venues, festivals and concert series all under the influence area of the label since 2010. It also hosts the recordings of LOM an electronic music ensemble working in Valencia between 2010 and 12. All recordings are hosted between our Bandcamp page and our Mixcloud account, free to stream. Audiotalaia is also an umbrella for the curatorial activities of Edu Comelles in Valencia. Since 2010 Audiotalaia hosts the archived outcome of concerts, talks, workshops and performances organized in Valencia as part of various festivals or venues across town and the country. Those are Ciclo Herzios (2010-12), Off_Herzios (2012-13), Off_Hz La Gallera Suena (2014) and Espai Sonor (2016-...). In Summer, Audiotalaia holds a 10 days workshop / artists residency on the Catalan Countryside called Audiotalaia Summer Camp, an event thought to be a formative and educational program for young artists willing to develop their creativity from a sound perspective. Finally, we do craft DiY Microphones. We make Omnidirectional Stereo microphones and Contact microphones at a fair price. The benefits of this activity are use to support the Audiotalaia activity and costs. Partners: Audiotalaia has been actively involved and a supporter at the creation of two online labels or platforms: Audition records run by Mexican improviser Julián Bonequi and LEA Ediciones run by Juanjo Palacios. Each project has been sponsored by Audiotalaia at their early stages. Credits: The label is founded, curated and run by Edu Comelles. Though, over the years a variety of collaborators have been involved in the project at a various levels. Among them Carla Ariza, Jaume Muntsant, Óscar Palou, Carlos Flores, Eva Fauste, Damià Jordà, Manu Marpel, Benigno Moreno, Crearqció, Fernando Ortuño, Julián Bonequi, Andrea Pazos and many more. Language: We happen to be a trilingual platform, some of the information shown on this site might be in english, spanish or catalan. Licenses: All works presented on this label are under Creative Commons Licenses 3.0 Share-Alike. Audiotalaia Catalogue is hosted at:, Bandcamp and Mixcloud. Contact / Demo Policy: Before you contact us make sure you are asking the right people. Before proposing us your music make sure your style fits our criteria and your music is undoubtedly related with what we do and love. Any submission lacking this, will be automatically rejected. We do accept demo submissions for our variety of catalogues and we also accept project proposals for our concert series or related events in Valencia. And again: before sending us material please, navigate, listen and go through our catalogue and make sure your music and your creativity fits aesthetically and conceptually with our standards. We speak, Catalan, Spanish and English.

Premios organizados por Audiotalaia

Entrada actualizada el el 20 abr de 2017

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

Premio. 27 ene de 2025 - 10 mar de 2025 / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España

Beca Internacional de Investigación Juncal Ballestín 2025

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Exposición. 07 mar de 2025 - 19 oct de 2025 / Museo Guggenheim Bilbao / Bilbao, Vizcaya, España

in situ: Refik Anadol

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Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España

Máster PHotoESPAÑA en Fotografía 2024-2025

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