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Galería de arte
Geisbergstraße 12, Berlin, Alemania




Espacios expositivos: Artefact.Berlin, Geisbergstraße 12 Berlin, Alemania


Correo electrónico

Descripción de la Organización

Established in December 2021, Artefact.Berlin is a gallery and project space prefiguring itself as an extension and complement to Thomae’s already reputed international cultural communications agency A R T Communication + Brand Consultancy, founded in 2014. Through a series of curated exhibitions, the project is rooted in Thomae’s ongoing commitment to promoting the interrelatedness between art, design and architecture. With a rich program of carefully selected exhibitions focusing on contemporary art and design, the space stands as an important reference point for art and design collectors and enthusiasts worldwide. Rooted in the Schöneberg district’s distinct architectural heritage, Artefact.Berlin will continuously connect with local art and design professionals and general audiences alike through a dense program of multidisciplinary events, talks, and performances, once again fostering Berlin’s extensive and widely diverse cultural community and its visibility worldwide.

Exposiciones de Artefact.Berlin

Entrada actualizada el el 09 nov de 2023

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

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