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Anglim Gilbert Gallery (ex- Gallery Paule Anglim)

Galería de arte
14 Geary Street, San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos




Espacios expositivos: Anglim Gilbert Gallery (ex- Gallery Paule Anglim), 14 Geary Street San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA

ARCOmadrid 2020

ARCOmadrid 2020

Artistas que representa

Enrique Chagoya

Enrique Chagoya

Tony Oursler

Tony Oursler

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Descripción de la Organización

With 30 years of historically important exhibitions, Gallery Paule Anglim forged its identity with the California Beat artists, the Bay Area Conceptualists and vital experimental movements in the art of California. The gallery is proudly committed to maintaining long-term support of its artists in an international community of collectors, curators and writers. Following Paule’s passing in the spring of 2015 the gallery has been re-opened under the lead of her long-term director, Ed Gilbert, and renamed Anglim Gilbert Gallery.

Entrada actualizada el el 07 nov de 2019

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