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Americas Society

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680 Park Avenue at 68th Street., Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos




Espacios expositivos: Americas Society, 680 Park Avenue at 68th Street. NY 10065 Nueva York, New York, Estados Unidos

Aimé Iglesias Lukin
   Directora y Curadora Jefe de Artes Visuales desde Octubre de 2019
Jorge Rivas Pérez
   Comisario invitado
Natalia Viera Salgado
   Curadora Asistente de Artes Visuales
Rafael Romero
   Miembro del Comité Asesor de Artes Visuales

Con obra de

Elena Damiani

Elena Damiani

Arte Caribeño  Arte iberoamericano  Arte latinoamericano 



Descripción de la Organización

Americas Society (AS) Is the premier forum dedicated to education, debate, and dialogue in the Americas. Its mission is to foster an understanding of the contemporary political, social, and economic issues confronting Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada, and to increase public awareness and appreciation of the diverse cultural heritage of the Americas and the importance of the inter-American relationship. AS Visual Arts (ASVA) The Visual Arts program boasts the longest-standing private space in the U.S. dedicated to exhibiting and promoting art from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada; it has achieved a unique and renowned leadership position in the field, producing both historical and contemporary exhibitions. The Visual Arts program presents three exhibitions annually, each accompanied by a series of public and educational programs featuring outstanding artists, curators, critics and scholars. The Visual Arts program produces exhibition catalogues as well as scholarly publications, including the seminal work, A Principality of Its Own: 40 Years of Visual Arts at the Americas Society. Arts of the Americas Circle (AAC) The Arts of the Americas Circle is a dynamic group of collectors and arts lovers, involved in historical, modern, and contemporary art and culture from the region. All funds provide crucial support for our Visual Arts exhibitions, publications, and public programs at Americas Society throughout the year. To support our Visual Arts program, the Americas Society requests Arts of the Americas Circle patrons to make an annual contribution to provide critical financial support for the organization. As a patron of the Arts of the Americas Circle, you will be invited to join a selection committee responsible for selecting two to three exhibitions proposed by the Visual Arts Department each year. In addition, patrons will also receive invitations for special events exclusively organized for the Circle, including an intimate party held annually, visits to art fairs, galleries and artist’s studios, special book editions and conversations with artists, curators, and collectors. Americas Society gratefully acknowledges the support from the Arts of the Americas Circle members: Estrellita Brodsky; Galeria Almeida e Dale; Kaeli Deane; Diana Fane; Isabella Hutchinson; Carolina Jannicelli; Vivian Pfeiffer and Jeanette van Campenhout, Phillips; Luis Oganes; Roberto Redondo; Erica Roberts; Sharon Schultz; Herman Sifontes; and Edward J. Sullivan. Council of the Americas (COA) Is the premier international business organization whose members share a common commitment to economic and social development, open markets, the rule of law, and democracy throughout the Western Hemisphere. The Council's membership consists of leading international companies representing a broad spectrum of sectors, including banking and finance, consulting services, consumer products, energy and mining, manufacturing, media, technology, and transportation.

Premios organizados por Americas Society

Entrada actualizada el el 09 jun de 2023

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