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Verónica Leiton

Nació en 1964 en Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile




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Descripción del Artista

Verónica Leiton es originaria de Santiago de Chile y radica en Ciudad Juárez desde 1995. Su obra ha sido expuesta en Estados Unidos, en casi toda la República Mexicana, Cuba y Chile. En Europa: Grecia, Francia, Alemania, Suiza, Luxemburgo y Austria. Actualmente es representada por Mill Fine Art Gallery en Santa Fe, Nuevo México. Por la galería River House Art en Ohio. Por la Galería Arte XXI en México D.F y por la Galería Manuel Chacón en San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. En 2013 editó un libro catálogo de su obra pictórica, titulado Paisajes del Alma, coproducido con textos poéticos de María Dolores Guadarrama. En octubre pasado, participó en la Exposición de Arte Latinoamericano en la Galería Carrusel Museo de Louvre en París Francia y en la exposición de Arte Latino en el Museo Casa de las Américas en Miami 2013. En 2012 participó en la Bienal de Arte de Chihuahua y realizó Flor de Arena, escultura monumental en Bronce de 4 mt. de altura para El Memorial Campo Algodonero en Ciudad Juárez Chihuahua. En 2011 participó en el libro-catálogo de la Expo-Arte de New York. 2016 “La Huella” Collective Exhibition in the Centro Cultural de la Frontera, Autonomous University of Juarez. 2016 Sewing Universes, A Sisterhood Web in remembrance of the International day of Women, rendering an account of the Scholarship David Alfaro Siqueiros 2015 – 2016. 2015 Invisible Universes, solo exhibition at Agave Rosa Gallery en El Paso, Tx. E.U.A. 2015 “Colours and metals” Group exhibition in Casa Redonda Museum, in the International Festival of Chihuahua. August. “Retrospective” Solo exhibition at the Consulate of Mexico in Phoenix, AZ. May. 2014 Serie Internal – External Worlds, solo exhibition of 30 pieces of large format to celebrate 30 years of her work presented on the gallery Arte XXI in Mexico City, later in Paso del Norte Cultural Center in Juarez City. Mx 2013 Invited to the Collective Exhibition of Art “Between Junctions” done by the University of Luxembourg and the museum Casa de las Americas in Miami, FL Participates in the collective exhibition for Latin American Art at the Carrousel Gallery of the Louvre Museum, also, published her third catalogue – book Paisajes del Alma (Soul Landscapes)Paris, France. 2012 She sculpted “Flor de Arena” (Sand Flower) a monumental sculpture in bronze 14’ high, for the “Cotton Field Memorial” done to commemorate the victims of femicide. Juarez City. Mx Participated in the Art’s Biennale of Chihuahua. Mx 2011 Participated in the catalogue – book of the expo Art of NYC. 2010 “Chromatic Metaphores of Gabriela Mistral in Mexico” Solo exhibition at the Metropolitan Gallery of Mexico City. Exposition at the Kind Familie Umwelt Foundation in Vienna, Austria. Méthaphores Chromatiques en Echomusee Gallerie. Paris, France. 2008 Participated at the Biennale in Athens, Greece. Awards and honors: 2015 Awarded the medal for her contribution of the strengthening to the relations between Mexico and Chile. Delivered by Mrs. President Michelle Bachelet. Mexico City State – Federal mexican grant “David Alfaro Siqueiros” for the investigation “Invisible Universes” Chihuahua. Mx 2009 – 2010 Award winner given by the Cultural Affairs from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile 2007 Chihuahua prize winner given by the State Government of Chihuahua. Mx 2005 First Place in the Painting Competition Chihuahua. Chihuahua, Chih. Mx 2005 – 2006 Grant from the Juarez City Fund. Chihuahua, Mx 2001 Second Place at the National Film and Video Festival in Colima. Mx 2000 State – Federal mexican grant “David Alfaro Siqueiros” for professional artists. Chihuahua. Mx 1998 Honorable Mention in the Biennial Paso del Norte. Cd. Juarez, Chih. Mx 1997 Scholarship from the Academy of Engraving and monoprint Self Help Graphics in Los Angeles, USA.

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista

Entrada actualizada el el 16 oct de 2019

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

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