Organizaciones con obra
Descripción del Artista
Taller Popular de Serigrafía es un grupo de artistas que se formó en marzo de 2002 acompañando la tarea de una de las tantas asambleas populares.
Este grupo formado por 10 artistas trabaja imprimiendo imágenes y consignas durante durante las protestas.
Dichas Imágenes fueron estampas sobre remeras, banderas, buzos, pañuelos y afiches en contextos de lucha, al haber participado en manifestaciones y luchas en Brukman, el puente Pueyrredon y el movimiento por las 6 horas, entre otras.
Bio (English)
In March 2002, the artists group Taller Popular de Serigrafía (The People’s Screen‐Printing Workshop) was founded by Diego Posadas, Mariela Scafati, and Magdalena Jitrik in Buenos Aires. Starting point of the collective’s activities, which continued until 2007, was a workshop on silkscreen printing, or serigraphy, during the cultural program of the public assembly of San Telmo on the official day commemorating the coup d’état of 1976. Following the national unrest in December 2001, the artists wanted to contribute to the struggle for social justice. The technique of screen printing was suitable because it allowed a quick response to events by creating materials for demonstrations cheaply and fast. The posters, leaflets, flags and t-shirts were not only extraordinary because of their catchy motifs, they were also created under exceptional circumstances. Members of the collective, with the help of associated artists, printed things in the middle of demonstrations and political activities on the street. On one hand this facilitated interaction with the protesters, and on the other it allowed them to react directly to what was going on. Some of the cooperative members, apart from politically left-oriented parties and human rights organizations, were also the initiatives of unemployed people, workers’ collectives, and relatives of murdered activists. Amongst other things, the printed objects were used to mobilize for the six-hour-work movement, projects of unemployed workers from Matanza, and the workers’ collective that had taken over the management of the Brukman textile factory.
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Formación. El 26 mar de 2025 / Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza / Madrid, España
Ebó, mandinga y garrafadas: recetas entremedio de la cultura para sobrevivir al fin