
Stef Veldhuis

Stef Veldhuiis
Reside en Utrecht, Holanda
Enlaces oficiales:
Descripción del Artista
I am a composer and artist from Utrecht, The Netherlands. The overarching theme in my art is the dichotomy of the artificial and the natural. I am fascinated by the ways in which our ever more challenging surroundings demand new ways of negotiating with the land. I create new ways of looking and listening to our environment, in order to bridge the fictional gap between man and earth. My works, be it auditive or visual, are meditative explorations of natural materials and phenomena. The slow organic processes that shape the earth, are either mimicked - the installation Amo et Odi simulates tectonic movement - or used as a source of input. The compositions of Music by Oceans, for instance, translate oceanographic data into music. In my practice, I approach my art from different points of view. I often collaborate with scientists, choreographers, philosophers, photographers, and many more, encompassing their perspectives ... into my work. I believe that real innovation can originate from these interdisciplinary convergences.


Imágenes del Artista
Amo et Odi

Entrada actualizada el el 03 feb de 2021

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28 nov de 2023 - 31 ago de 2024

Madrid, España

10 jul de 2024 - 29 sep de 2024

Museo de Pontevedra - Edificio Fernández López / Pontevedra, España

09 sep de 2024 - 17 sep de 2024

Valle del Nansa / Santander, Cantabria, España

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