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Descripción del Artista
Sandra del Pilar (b. 1973, Mexico) deals – in her paintings, objects and installations – with the phenomenon of transparency, which the artist understands as the place where the private and the political meet. With the transparent synthetic fibers she uses in her works, she materializes dream-like scenarios from the collective and personal memory, overrides our idea of (image-) space and (linear) time, interweaves inside and outside, the world of images and the viewer's body and thus enables another look at the political and social events and conditions of our time.
Sandra del Pilar has completed her studies on painting at the Academia de San Carlos in Mexico City, her PhD in art history at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and a second PhD in visual arts at the Faculty of Art and Design at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is currently a fellow of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte at FONCA in Mexico. In Germany, Del Pilar was a scholarship holder of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and of the DAAD (German National Academic Foundation), and also received funding from the LVR (Landschaftsverband Rheinland). Her artistic work has been awarded several times both in Mexico and in Germany. Her paintings are represented in museums, public and private galleries and collections, as well as at biennials in Mexico, Germany, France, Belgium, China and Bolivia. Recently, a documentary by Sergio Sanjinés about her artistic work premiered in the Cineteca Nacional in Mexico City. Her texts and essays have also been published in international journals, anthologies, catalogs and newspapers. She currently works and lives in Germany and Mexico.
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