
Ryoichi Kurokawa

1978 en Japón
Ryoichi Kurokawa
Reside en Berlin, Alemania
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Descripción del Artista
Japanese artist, born in 1978, lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Kurokawa’s works take on multiple forms such as installation works, recordings, and concert pieces. He composes the time sculpture with the field recordings and the digital generated structures, and reconstructs architecturally the audiovisual phenomenon. In recent years, his works are shown at international festivals and museums including Tate Modern[UK], Venice Biennale[IT], Transmediale[DE], EMPAC[US], YCAM[JP] and Sonar[ES]. In 2010, he was awarded the Golden Nica at Prix Ars Electronica in the Digital Musics & Sound Art category. Selected Solo Exhibitions - unfold, FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology), Liverpool, 2016 - Ordered Disorder, Espacio Fundacion Telefonica, Lima, 2015 Selected Group Exhibitions - Adelaide Festival, Site specific installation "34º55’11”S 138º35’53”E", Adelaide Festival Center, Adelaide, 2015 - BIAN, Installation “rheo: 5 horizons”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Montreal, 2014 - Digitalife, Installation "ground", Museum of Contemporary Arts of Rome Testaccio, Roma, 2013 - Elastic Reality, Installation "mol", LABoral Centro ... de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijon, 2013 - Bozar Electronic Arts Festival, Installation "rheo: 5 horizons" - Projection version, Bozar, Brussels, 2012 - Scopitone, Installation "mol", e Lieu Unique, Nantes, 2012 - Turbulences, Installation "rheo: 5 horizons", Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, 2012 - Panorama, Installation "mol", Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing, 2012 - The 54th Venice Biennale - One of a thousand ways to defeat entropy, Installation "Octfalls", Arsenale Novissimo, Venice, 2011 - EXIT, Installation "ground", Maison des Arts Créteil, Créteil, 2011 - ARS Electronica, Installation "rheo: 5 horizons", Tabakfabrik, Linz, 2010 - Eye of the City, Installation "scentless", Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei, 2008 Selected Concerts - ACT Festival, Audiovisual concert “syn_”, ACT, Gwangju, 2015 - RCVM, Concert "syn_ ", HARPA, Reykjavik, 2014 - NEMO, Concert "syn_ ", Le CENTQUATRE, Paris, 2013 - MUTEK, Concert "syn_", Metropolis, Montreal, 2013 - EMPAC, Concert "syn_" EMPAC, Troy, 2013 - TodaysArt, Concert "syn_", Lucent Danstheater, The Hague, 2012 - SonarSound Tokyo, Concert "syn_", ageHa | Studio Coast, Tokyo, 2012 - YCAM | sound tectonics, Concert "Rheo", YCAM, Yamaguchi, 2011 - Rencontres Internationales, Concert "Rheo", REINA SOFIA National Museum, Madrid, 2010 - Lexus. Hybrid Art", Concert "celeritas", Vetoshny, Moscow, 2010 - National Theater Concert Hall, Theatre piece "celeritas", National Theater Concert Hall, Taipei, 2009 - SONAR, Concert "Parallel Head", Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, Barcelona, 2009 - Transmediale/CTM, Concert "Parallel Head", House of World Cultures, Berlin, 2009 - Sonic Acts, Concert "Parallel Head", Paradiso, Amsterdam, 2008 - Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille", Concert "cm: av_c", Palais des Beaux Arts de Lille, Lille, 2007 - synthesis", Concert "cm: av_c", TATE MODERN, London, 2007 - ARS Electronica, Concert "cm: av_c", Brucknerhaus, Linz, 2006 - MUTEK, Concert "cm: av_c", Ex-Centris, Montreal, 2006 Awards and Fellowships - Director, Kinetic Media Lab/ACT, ACC (Asia Cultural Center), Gwangju, 2016 - Guset Professor/Invited Artist, Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains, Tourcoing, 2011-12 - Golden Nica, Prix Ars Electronica, Digital Musics & Sound Art category, Linz, 2010



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