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Descripción del Artista
Rosana Antolí. Nacida en Alcoi, España (1981). Vive y trabaja en Londres.
Su práctica artística se centra en la intersección de arte, coreografía y la vida del día a día.
El carácter utópico es central a su práctica, y consecuentemente el fracaso de las acciones involucradas.
Obtuvo su licenciatura en la UPV, Valencia, España y un Master en Performance y Escultura en el Royal College of Art, Londres, UK.
Premiada entre otros con Generaciones 2017 (Esapaña. 2016), Royal British Society of Sculptors Bursary Award (London, 2015), Gasworks International Fellowship (UK-Colombia, 2015), BBVA Ayudas Video Arte (España. 2015), International Emerging Artist Award (Dubai, 2014) o Pilar Juncosa and Sotheby’s Grant (España,2012).
Ha expuesto nacional e internacionalmente. Algunas de sus exposiciones incluyen: Fundación BBVA (Madrid, 2017), Fundación Joan Miró. Espai13 (Barcelona, 2016), Josée Bienvenu Gallery (New York, USA. 2016), Herbert Read Gallery – UCA (Canterbury, UK. 2015), Museo ABC (Madrid, España. 2015), Ryder Projects (Londres, UK: 2015), Pieroggi Gallery (New York, USA. 2015), MUA Museum (Alicante, Spain. 2015), CCEC (Córdoba, Argentina. 2014), Delf Museum (Netherlands, 2014), Museo DA2 (Salamanca, España. 2014), Museo Casal Solleric (Palma, Spain. 2013) o Museo CA2M (España, 2012).
My artistic practice focuses on understanding movement in relation to the visual arts, on seeking the poetics in our everyday actions, on repetition and absurdity, on knowing how to listen to and observe the choreography that people and things routinely engage in, and the connection between all these elements. I am interested in the rhythms encountered in urban spaces and the geographical gestures of the human body. Starting from this premise, I attempt to reveal the choreographies that structure our daily lives.
Through drawing, sculpture, video and performance, I interact with and observe our movements, creating patterns out of ordinary human actions.
My work invariably has a temporal, performance component, with each gesture collected and displaced so it is recontextualized in a different narrative. The utopian character is central to my practice, as are therefore the absurdity and failure of the actions involved.
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