Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan
Descripción del Artista
Roberto Gil de Montes nació en 1950 en Guadalajara. En su adolescencia se mudó a Los Ángeles con su familia y recibió una maestría en Artes Plásticas del Otis Art Institute, Los Ángeles. Siendo un joven artista formó parte del movimiento artístico chicano dentro y al rededor de Los Angeles y entabló relaciones estrechas con artistas como Carlos Almaraz. En los ochentas regresó a la Ciudad de México donde trabajó en el Museo de Arte Moderno y en Artes Visuales, la prestigiosa revista que exploró la cultura visual Latinoamericana. Roberto regresó a Los Ángeles para concentrarse en su pintura y comenzó a exponer continuamente. Ahí formó parte de la fundación de LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) y trabajó con la Galería Jan Baum (el único lugar que entonces exhibía la obra de artistas Afroamericanos, latinos y asiáticos en la región). En el 2000, él y Eddie, su pareja, dejaron su hogar en Echo Park y se mudaron, vía San Francisco, a La Peñita, un pueblo de pescadores en la costa de Nayarit, donde solían vacacionar. Roberto aún vive en La Peñita y trabaja en un estudio con vista a la plaza a una cuadra del mar.
Irreverent and serious, purposeful and inconclusive, Roberto Gil de Montes’ paintings explore the hidden images and forgotten or imagined stories of the exuberant everyday life that he sees. A black mark in the centre is a void, or an egg, a mass grave, or a dance floor, a stage, and also a veladora-flecked piece of earth for planting. The canvas is fertile terrain on which to realign the spaces between the real and the imaginary: figures float in abstraction or are laid across surfaces, misfits and explorers in their own habitat.
Roberto Gil de Montes was born in 1950 in Guadalajara, Mexico. As a teenager his family relocated to the United States where he later went on to receive a BFA and MFA from Otis Art Institute, Los Angeles. As a young artist he became involved in the Chicano art movement in and around Los Angeles, developing relationships with artists such as Carlos Almaraz. In the 1980s, he returned to Mexico City where he worked at the Museo de Arte Moderno and on Artes Visuales, the prestigious arts journal that explored visual culture in Latin America. Roberto returned to Los Angeles to concentrate on his painting practice and began to exhibit widely. He also became involved in the creation of LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions) and began to show with Jan Baum Gallery, the only gallery at that time to show Black, Latinx and Asian artists on the West Coast. In 2000, he and his partner, Eddie, packed up their home in Echo Park and moved, via San Francisco, to La Peñita, a fishing town on the Pacific coast of Nayarit, Mexico, where they had spent many holidays. Roberto continues to live in La Peñita and paints in a studio directly overlooking the town plaza, a block from the coast.
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