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Rivane Neuenschwander

Artista, Comisario
Nació en 1967 en Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil



Exposiciones individuales vigentes

Profesionales que le han comisariado
Adriano Pedrosa en: Rivane Neuenschwander, 2014
Beatriz Lemos en: Tangolomango, 2024
Claudia Segura Campins en: Alegoría del miedo. Rivane Neuenschwander, 2018

Premios ganados
Prêmios ABCA - Edição de 2018

Artistas comisariados
Nilda Neves en: Visagens e assombros do sertão, 2023
Amadeo Luciano Lorenzato en: E você nem imagina que Epaminondas sou eu, 2014

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
ArtRio 2024
Art Basel 2024
SP-Arte 2024

Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

Stephen Friedman Gallery

Stephen Friedman Gallery

Tanya Bonakdar

Tanya Bonakdar

Organizaciones con obra

Altana Kulturstiftung

Altana Kulturstiftung

Associação Cultural Videobrasil

Associação Cultural Videobrasil

Carnegie Museum of Art (CMoA)

Carnegie Museum of Art (CMoA)

Profesionales con obra

Brondesbury Holdings Ltd.

Brondesbury Holdings Ltd.

Catherine Petitgas

Catherine Petitgas

Colección Luiz Augusto Teixeira de Freitas y Beatriz Quintella

Colección Luiz Augusto Teixeira de Freitas y Beatriz Quintella

Arte conceptual  Arte contemporáneo  Arte latinoamericano  Dibujo  Escultura  Historia  Tiempo  Video 


Descripción del Artista

Rivane Neuenschwander was born in 1967 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, where she lives and works. She studied at the School of Fine Arts, UFMG, Brazil and the Royal College of Art in London, England. She has exhibited her work internationally, including solo exhibitions at IASPIS (the International Artists Studio Program in Sweden), Stockholm, Sweden (2000); Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, England (1997, 1999); Galeria Camargo Vilaça, Sao Paolo, Brazil (1998, 2000); and Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, Ireland (2000). She has participated in numerous international biennials and festivals, including the 5th International Istanbul Biennial, Turkey (1997); the 2nd Johannesburg Biennale, South Africa (1997); XXIV Biennale of Sao Paolo, Brazil (1998); SITE Santa Fe, NM (1999); and the First Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art, England (1999). Her work has also been included in group exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1995); The Museum of Fine Arts of Buenos Aires, Argentina (1996); The Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (1997); The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY (1998); Kunstforeningen Copenhagen, Denmark (1999); Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Germany (1999); and the National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan (2000). Merging the traditions of sculpture and drawing, Rivane Neuenschwander’s work combines precise handicraft with natural and found sources. The results are discrete objects and temporary, material-based installations. Rivane Neuenschwander has developed a unique practice within the vein of Brazilian conceptualism to investigate the role of chance, control and collaboration. Incorporating influences from Brazil's rich history of art movements over the past fifty years, Neuenschwander has become widely regarded for her ephemeral, engaging work that explores narratives about language, nature, geography, the passing of time and social interactions. To do so, the artist frequently employs external forces – both people and natural processes – to produce a series of dynamic, autonomous results. At times her works are interactive, involving viewers in spontaneous and participatory actions, while at others they are the direct results of empirical processes or experiments. All, however, work to expand the collective consciousness by emphasizing certain phenomena that are often overlooked, yet when finally seen, surprisingly remarkable.

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista
João Maria Gusmão & Pedro Paiva, Pelvis, 2013. Fotografía de Eduardo Ortega

Exposiciones comisariadas

Entrada actualizada el el 27 ene de 2025

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