Organizaciones con obra
Profesionales con obra
Descripción del Artista
El trabajo de Priscila Fernandes ha cuestionado durante mucho tiempo las nociones de juego y ocio en contraposición a los conceptos de trabajo, labor y productividad. El ocio, según la investigación de Fernandes, responde en gran medida a los deseos de sociedades particulares para aliviar sus frustraciones, decepciones y represiones. El arte, por otro lado, opera en el límite entre el trabajo y el juego, donde el quehacer de un artista puede ser leer poesía, visitar un museo o ver películas. En el siglo XX, las vacaciones y feriados pagados fueron introducidos para crear una economía del ocio, integrándolo en la maquinaria de la productividad. Para explorar las paradojas y contradicciones encontradas en el tiempo libre y las observadas entre el trabajo del artista y el del individuo perezoso o improductivo, en 2017 Fernandes comenzó a seguir la evolución de las actividades recreativas y a registrar su relación con los movimientos artísticos, asociando, por ejemplo, la invención de las primeras albercas inflables con los performances antropométricos de Yves Klein.
Priscila Fernandes (1981, Portugal) licenciou-se em Pintura no National College of Art and Design (Dublin) e fez o Mestrado em Belas Artes no Piet Zwart Institute (Roterdão). O seu trabalho apresenta propostas no campo da instalação, pintura e vídeo. Foi distinguida com os prémios Brutus Award (AVL Mundo, Rotterdam) em 2019 e EDP Novos Artistas em 2011. Com Edward Clydesdale Thomson, é responsável pela licenciatura de Belas-Artes BEAR na ArtEZ (Arnhem). Participou em algumas exposições, das quais destacamos a 32º Bienal de São Paulo, Incerteza Viva em São Paulo e em Serralves.
Priscila Fernandes em sua produção, Priscila Fernandes reflete sobre o impacto dos contextos industrial e pós-industrial na vida dos indivíduos e em sua percepção sensorial. Em vídeos, publicações, desenhos, pinturas, performances e instalações sonoras, ela aborda as disputas sociais que estão no centro de decisões estéticas de diferentes movimentos modernos.
Priscila Fernandes is a visual artist based in Rotterdam. For the past years, her installations, videos and paintings have been informed by an interest in art education and 20th century artistic practices, such as neo-impressionism and the development of abstraction in art.
Recent exhibitions include The Book of Aesthetic Education of the Modern School, at Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona; Those bastards in caps come to have fun and relax by the seaside instead of continuing to work in the factory, TENT, Rotterdam; Playgrounds at Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid; Learning for Life at Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo; and 12 Contemporaries, at Serralves Museum, Porto.
2008-2010 / MFA, Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, NL
2003-2006 / BA Fine Art Painting, National College of Art & Design, Dublin, IE
Art Residencies
2016 / Instituto Buena Bista Institute, Willemstad, CW
2014 - 2015 / Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, IE
2013 - 2014 / Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, D
2013 / BAR Projects at Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, ES
2011 / IASPIS, Stockholm, SE
2011 / Prix de Rome, Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, NL
Solo Exhibitions (selection)
2015 / Those bastard in caps come to have fun and relax by the seaside instead of continuing to work in the factory. TENT, Rotterdam, NL.
2014 / Ces salopards en casquettes venus se divertir et se reposer au bord de la mer au lieu de continuer à travailler à l'usine. PHAKT Centre Culturel Colombier, Rennes, FR.
2014 / Against the Enamel, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, DE.
2014 / ¿Y EL ARTE?, Espai13, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, SP. Curated by Juan Canela and Ane Agirre Loinaz.
2014 / Against the Enamel, Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin, IE. Curated by Rayne Booth.
2013 / Para um Mundo Melhor, Solar/Cave - Galeria de Arte Cinemática, Vila do Conde, PT.
2012 / Once Upon a Time No Longer, Apice for Artists, Amsterdam, NL.
2009 / In Search of the Self, Cavanacor Gallery, Donegal, IE.
2007 / Drosophila Melanogaster, Four Gallery, Dublin, IE. Curated by Lee Welch.
Group Exhibitions (selection)
2017 / The Child as Teacher, Kunsthall Stavanger, NO. Curated by Jaroslav Andel (forthcoming)
2016 / 32nd São Paulo Bienal, São Paulo, BR. Curated by Jochen Voltz (current)
2016 / Millennials, Museum Arnhem, NL. Curated by Mirjam Westen (current)
2016 / Games people play, NEST, Den Haag, NL (current)
2016 / Festival Chantiers d’Europe, Palais de Toyko, Paris, FR.
2016 / PIGS, Galeria Municipal Almeida Garret, Porto, PT. Curated by Blanca de la Torre.
2016 / Back to the sandbox: Art and Radical Pedagogy, Rekjavík Art Museum, IS. Curated by Jaroslav Anděl.
2016 / PIGS, Artium Basque Museum of Contemporary Art, Victoria, SP. Curated by Blanca de la Torre.
2015 / S'Wonderful, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, SP. Curated by Beatriz Escudero.
2015 / Priscila Fernandes, Jessica Stockholder and David Hanvald, Galerie Stadtpark, Krems, AUT.
2015 / Social Choreography – an Ecology of Collective Experience, Tenderpixel, London, UK.
Curated by Borbala Soos.
2014 / Playtime, Les Ateliers de Rennes, Bienniale d'art contemporain, Rennes, FR. Curated by Zoë Gray.
2014 / The Value of Nothing, TENT, Rotterdam, NL. Curated by Jesse van Oosten and Michel van Dartel.
2014 / This is the Time. And this is the Record of the Time, SMBA, Amsterdam.
Curated by Nat Muller and Angela Harutyunyan.
2014 / Playgrounds. Group exhibition. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, SP.
2014 / 12 Contemporâneos - Estados Presentes. Serralves Museum, Porto, PT.
Curated by Suzanne Cotter and Bruno Marchand.
2013 / An Opal World, Group exhibition with Rossella Biscotti, Priscila Fernandes, Jan Peter Hammer, and Alberto De Michele; Kunstraum, London, UK.
2013 / Do you know because I tell you so or do you know, do you know?, Viafarini DOCVA, Milan, IT. Curated by Valerio Del Baglivo.
2013 / Uma Questão de Género, 1º Avenida, Porto, PT. Curated by Raquel Guerra.
2013 / In-Discipline, Bonnefanten Roermond, Eci Cultuurfabriek, NL.
2013 / Jugada a 3 bandas, Gallery Liebre, Madrid, SP. Curated by Marti Manen.
2012 / The Return of the Object, Invaliden1, Berlin, DE. Curated by Stefanie Hessler.
2012 / Learning for Life, Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden, NO. Curated by Tone Hansen and Ane Hjort Guttu.
2012 / Metamorphosis, PS2, Belfast, IE. Curated by Rowan Sexton.
2012 / After the Future, EVA Biennial International, IE. Curated by Annie Fletcher.
2012 / Abstract Possible: Stockholm Synergies, Tensta Konsthall, SE. Curated by Maria Lind.
2011 / Screening Room: Dublin, Kölnischer Kunstverin, DE. Curated by Regina Barunke.
2011 / Prémio EDP Novos Artistas, Museu da Electricidade, Lisbon, PT. Curated by João Pinharanda, Nuno Crespo and Delfim Sardo.
2011 / Prix de Rome, SMART Project Space, Amsterdam, NL.
2010 / Post Dordt, Centre for Contemporary Art Dordrecht, NL. Curated by Maaike van de Wiel.
2010 / Bosch Young Talent Show, AKV St. Joost ,'s-Hertogenbosch, NL. Invited by Bik van der Pol, curated by Monique Verhulst.
2010 / If you say something, see something. TENT. Rotterdam, NL. Curated by Mai Abu Eldahab.
2009 / It hits my hair, Wolfart, Rotterdam, NL.
2008 / Luso-Phonia, Hangar, Barcelona, ES. Curated by Catarina Simão.
2007 / The Other Side of Real, Cavanacor Gallery, Donegal, IE.
2007 / Open Systems, Green on Red Gallery, Dublin, IE.
2006 / Launch/Making Do, The Lab, Dublin, IE. Curated by Paul O’Neill.
2006 / it is a kind of magic, Ashford Gallery, Dublin, IE. Curated by Mark St. John Ellis.
2006 / Wildbeaming, Sign Gallery, Groningen, NL.
Publications & Magazines
2015 / Learning - Volume 45, quarterly publication of architecture, art and design, NL.
2015 / On Boycott, Censorship and Educational Practices, De Appel Arts Center, NL.Publication coordinated by Renata Cervetto.
2014 / ¿Y El Arte? – The Book of Aesthetic Education of the Modern School.
2011 / Lenticular Scorpions find Cheese on Mars, Espacio Abisal, ES. Project coordinated by Juan Canela.
2010 / Virtual Fictional, Printed Project No. 13, IE. Project coordinated by Kevin Atherton
2010 / If You Say Something, See Something, Piet Zwart Institute, NL Project coordinated by Mai Abu Eldahab.
Public Lectures & Other Activities
2014 - present / Tutor at Fine Art Department Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL.
2015 / The Book of Aesthetic Education of the Modern School, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, IE.
2015 / Conversas #38, Rotterdam, NL.
2014 / The Book of Aesthetic Education of the Modern School, Trafó Gallery, Budapest, HU.
2014 / Conversas com Artistas, at Fine-Art University of Lisbon, PT.
2013 / Lecture and workshop – The Forgotten Book - at the Master program Education in Art, Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, NL.
2013 / The Forgotten Book, Lecture at Fundació Francisco Ferrer i Guàrdia, Barcelona, SP.
2012 / Guest-Teacher at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL.
2011 / Priscila Fernandes with Anke Bangma, SMART Project Space, Amsterdam, NL.
2009 / Priscila Fernandes, Kunstakademiet, Tromso, NO.
2009 / On Representation, Open Office for Words, ADA, Rotterdam, NL.
2008 / Scientific Aesthetics, Institute of Art Design & Technology, Dun Laoghaire, IE.
2007 / Priscila Fernandes, National College of Art & Design, Dublin, IE .
2007 / Showcase - Blurring Boundaries, The Lab, Dublin, IE.
2014 / Mondriaan Fonds, Grant International Presentations, NL.
2013 / Ontwikkeling- en Onderzoekssubsidie, Centrum Beeldende Kunst (CBK), Rotterdam, NL.
2012 / Apoio à internacionalização - Artes Visuais - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, PT.
2012 / Mondriaan Fonds, Startstipendium, NL.
2012 / Ontwikkeling- en Onderzoekssubsidie, Centrum Beeldende Kunst (CBK), Rotterdam, NL.
2011 / Winner of EDP Novos Artistas, PT.
2011 / Basisprijzen Prix de Rome, NL.
2011 / Fonds BKVB Buitenland ateliers (Iaspis), NL.
2010 / Fonds BKVB Startstipendium, NL.
2009 / Huygens Scholarship Programme, NL.
2006 / Henry Higgins Travelling Scholarship, IE.
Selected Reviews
2014 / Against The Enamel: An Interview with Priscila Fernandes, by Rosa Abbott, Totally Dublin, 14th February 2014, Dublin, IE.
2014 / Portugal 2014: mise au point, Vanessa Rato, Ípsilon, Público, 14th February 2014, PT
2012 / Exit Limerick 2012, Limerick Reader, IE.
2012 / Aidan Dunne, EVA’s brawn feels familiar in Limerick, Irish Times, IE.
2011 / Pedro Faro, Figurações Científicas, Público, PT.
2011 / Chris Bors, Critics' Picks: Prix de Rome 2011,
2011 / Machteld Leij, Prix de Rome 2011, Kunstbeeld, NL.
2011 / Henny de Lange, Weining elan dit keer bij Prix de Rome, Trouw, NL.
2011 / Koen Kleijn, Prix de Rome, de Groene Amsterdammer, NL.
2011 / Rutger Pontzen, Prix de Rome, Volkskrant, NL.
2011 / Raymond Boogaard, Prix de Rome Schetst Idyllische Wereld, NRC Handelsblad, NL.
2010 / Mike Sperlinger. Letter on a Brief, If you say something, see Something, PZI, Rotterdam, NL.
2008 / Niall de Buitléar, Inspired by human curiosity: an interview with Priscila Fernandes. Circa Contemporary Art in Ireland, IE.
2007 / Tim Stott, Launch/Making Do. Circa Contemporary Art in Ireland, IE.
2006 / Abracadabra, Village Magazine, IE.
2006 / Aidan Dunne, A Challenge to the Conventional, The Irish Times, IE..
2006 / Aidan Dunne, Art Students Pile - The metaphors high, The Irish Times, IE.
Statement (English)
Priscila Fernandes develops her works from an interest into didactics, education and the conveyance of knowledge. Working across a variety of mediums from drawing to sound and video installations, Fernandes focuses on ideologies associated with play, creativity, and productivity as tools for the construction of the individual and society.
Creación, 26 feb de 2018
Ecología política y social en las 12 artistas iberoamericanas de Blanca de la Torre
Las seleccionadas son: Laura Fernández Gibellini, Elizabet Cerviño, Regina José Galindo, Amor Muñoz, Tania Candiani, Lucía Loren, Asunción Molinos-Gordo, Luna Bengoeche, Bárbara Fluxá, Elena Lavellés, Agustina Woodgate y Priscila Fernandes.
Creación, 09 ene de 2018
Los comisarios portugueses Luísa Santos y Victor Pinto seleccionan 6 artistas para ARTEINFORMADO
Por Gustavo Pérez Diez
Los artistas seleccionados por Luísa Santos son: Maria Trabulo, Diana Policarpo y Priscila Fernandes.
Grandes Eventos, 14 feb de 2017
Los artistas iberoamericanos que no debes perderte en Opening ARCOmadrid 2017
Por Gustavo Pérez Diez
Sección centrada en 18 galerías con una trayectoria de un máximo de siete años, con dos artistas por stand, seleccionadas por Juan Canela y Stefanie Hessler.
Exposición. 18 feb de 2025 - 15 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España