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Descripción del Artista
Paz Errázuriz Körner (Santiago, 1941) inició su actividad profesional y artística en la década de los ochenta como fotógrafa autodidacta. Esta fotógrafa, que cursó estudios en el International Center of Photography de Nueva York en 1993, realiza sus fotografías en blanco y negro, centrando su interés principalmente en el género de la fotografía social.
Cofundadora de la Asociación de Fotógrafos Independientes (AFI, creada en plena dictadura militar), formó parte del Grupo 8, colectivo artístico del que también participan Alexis Díaz, Javier Godoy, Álvaro Hoppe, Miguel Navarro, Claudio Pérez, Leonora Vicuña y Alejandro Wagner. Su contribución a la fotografìa nacional se considera de gran trascendencia.
Ha recibido las becas Guggenheim (1986), Fundación Andes (1990), Fulbright (1992) y Fondart (1994 y 2009). Además, ha sido galardonada con el Premio Nacional de Artes Plásticas 2017, el premio Ansel Adams del Instituto Chileno Norteamericano de Cultura, el Premio a la Trayectoria Artística del Círculo de Críticos de Arte de Chile en 2005, el Altazor en 2005, el Premio Adquisición de Fotografía Latinoamericana Purificación García - Zona MACO 2016 y el Premio PHotoEspaña 2015.
Paz Errázuriz is a Chilean photographer whose work could be described as a social testimony of the reality in her country. Following a career as an educator, she began her self taught photographic instruction —which she perfected in 1993 at the International Center of Photography in New York— and was a founding member of Chile’s Association of Independent Photographers. Starting to work in the early 1980s, during the military dictatorship of Chile, Errázuriz documented marginalised communities such as sex workers, wrestlers and circus performers. Her intention is to encourage the public to look at the part of reality that society refuses to look at, not in the terms of journalistic photo-realism, but rather in an attempt to subvert the conventions of the visual other, and it’s bourgeois, classist, white, heterosexual values. In 1983 she started her celebrated series of portraits of transvestites, La Manzana de Adán, a project with first publication was possible thanks to a John Simon Guggenheim fellowship (1986-1987). Ever since, Errázuriz work has focused in the people that stand outside the center and have always been subordinated to power.
Her work has been shown extensively internationally, with solo shows at Barbican Gallery, London (2018); Museo de Bellas Artes, Santiago (2018); Les Rencontres d’Arles (2017); Museo Amparo, Puebla (2017); Fundación Mapfre, Madrid (2015); Berkeley Art Museum (2014); Maison de l’Amérique Latine, Paris (2010); and Museo de Arte del Banco de la República, Bogotá (2005), among others. in 2015 she represented Chile in the 56th Venice Biennale.
Paz Errázuriz photographs are part of important institutional collections.
Cecilia Brunson Projects represents the artist’s estate.
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