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Patricia Mato-Mora

Artista, Investigador/Docente
Nació en Palma, Baleares, España



Premios ganados
Premios y Becas Pilar Juncosa y Sotheby's 2015

Arquitectura  Arte contemporáneo  Artes gráficas  Cerámica  Diseño  Escultura  Instalacion  Instalación site specific  Vidrio soplado 

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Descripción del Artista

Patricia Mato-Mora es una artista mallorquina radicada en Londres. Allí estudió arquitectura y posteriormente cerámica y vidrio en el Royal College of Art. Su obra cerámica explora el espacio arquitectónico, así como el vacío que existe entre espacio y materia en la discilplina de arquitectura. En el año 2014, Patricia fundó la escuela de dibujo Drawing the City (Dibujando la Ciudad), con el arquitecto canadiense Michael Kloihofer. A través de ella, se invita a estudiantes de diseño, arte y arquitectura del Reino Unido a descubrir Mallorca, no como destino de turismo barato, sino como una joya cultural del Mediterráneo. Patricia Mato-Mora’s interests lie in manifesting, through her work, ‘the flow of the universe’, that what happens ‘of itself’. She understands the division between man and nature to be illusory: nature is all there is. There is no art, nor architecture – all there is are man-made works, in the same way that there are termite works. As such, Patricia’s artworks are natural occurrences, as necessary to her human condition as a nest is to the bird. Industrial processes themselves are also understood to be natural occurrences that result in large quantities of material production. Patricia is interested in interfering with these processes in order to shape her very own work, which in turn appears to have escaped from the digestive system of industry and colonised our familiar environments. Patricia’s works have spaces and the life within them as a point of departure. Trained as an architect, and with a background in architectural journalism, Patricia is interested in the capacity of spaces to act as vessels for storytelling and collective imagination – it is stories in spaces, not the spaces themselves, that shape human experience. Her works bring an element of surprise or wonder to an otherwise overlooked spatial condition. Necessarily architectural and monumental in scale, her work introduces a subjective narrative that has happened or is about to take place in the space in question, changing its perception altogether. With regards to the creative process, Patricia is interested in how the sheer scale of these interventions challenges the physical engagement that her body has with the material. Upscaling material to engage with architectural space brings together the divide between maker, materiality, spatiality, and the creative act itself that exists in the practice of architecture.

Galería de Obra de Patricia Mato-Mora (4 Obras)

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista

Entrada actualizada el el 28 mar de 2019

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Noticias relacionadas

Actualidad, 14 dic de 2016

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