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Monika Sosnowska (Ryki, Poland, 1972) lives and works in Warsaw. Replicating the forms and vocabulary of architecture, Sosnowska s sculptures and immersive installations express the psychology of the built environment and amplify the particular social or historical concerns that relate to the sites of her work. Finalist in the IX Hugo Boss Prize 2012
Solo exhibitions by Sosnowska have been presented at the Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City (2011); Artpace, San Antonio (2010); K21 Ständehaus, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany (2010); Primrose Hill (public art project), London (2008); Polish Pavilion, Venice Biennale (2007); Museum of Modern Art, New York (2006); Sprengel Museum Hannover, Germany (2006); Serpentine Gallery, London (2004-05); and Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin (2004). Selected group exhibitions include We Will Live, We Will See, Zabludowicz Collection, London (2011); The Power of Fantasy: Imagination at Work, BOZAR, Palais des beaux-arts, Brussels (2011); Venice Biennale: ILLUMInazioni (ILLUMInations) (2011); elles@centrepompidou, Centre Pompidou, Paris (2009-11); XXS: Extra Extra Small, Sommer Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv (2007); Stay forever and ever and ever, South London Gallery (2007); START!, Grieder Contemporary, Küsnacht, Switzerland (2006); Satellite of Love, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, Netherlands (2006); ARS 06 - Sense of the Real, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki (2006); Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: Spatial Emotion in Art and Architecture, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich (2003); Architectures of Gender: Contemporary Women s Art in Poland, Sculpture Center, New York (2003); Polish Pavilion, Venice Biennale: Clandestine (2003); Istanbul Biennial: Poetic Justice (2003); Re:Location 6: re(framed)locations, dis(covered)desires, Villa Arson, Nice (2003), and Laznia Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland (2004); Manifesta 4, Frankfurt, Germany (2002); and Gwangju
Biennial, South Korea: Project 1 (2002).
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Actualidad, 11 ene de 2012
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