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Mónica Núñez Laiseca

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comisaria independiente y productora en ArtLink Central (Reino Unido); Mónica Laiseca is a mother, curator and educator based in Glasgow. With a background in curating time-based media and researching post-war European art practices, her practice is increasingly focusing on themes of imagination and inclusion, the Embedded Artist, radical performance and its legacy, arts practice under the contemporary context of austerity, and the reframing of international conversations in post-Brexit U.K. Mónica has held curatorial roles at Open Eye Gallery (Liverpool), Belfast Exposed (Belfast), Instituto Cervantes (Tokyo) and the University of East Anglia (Norwich), and since 2014 co-convenes the MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) programme, jointly run between The Glasgow School of Art and the University of Glasgow. Recent project include: Minimal/Poor/Present, a collaboration between Spanish live-art pioneer Esther Ferrer and five UK-based artists (GI 2018, co-curated with Fritz Welch); setting up an artist placement opportunity with Scottish Government for artists living on Scottish islands (2019-20, with Susan Brind); co-developing Mutual Playing Ground, an experimental performance workshop for young people in Govanhill (2020, with Rumpus Room and Jamie Bolland); and Night Studies, a curatorial platform that proposes to draw together communities of artists in Scotland and Iberia through an exploration of the night as time-space of liminal encounters (pilot year 2021-22, with Nuno Sacramento).

Entrada actualizada el el 20 oct de 2021

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