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Mohamed Benhadj

Comisario, Galerista/Marchante, Coleccionista, Artista
Nació en 1986 en Argelia



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Pavel Korvicka en: Perspective of Light, 2024
Massimiliano Moro en: Journey of Light, 2021

Descripción del Artista

Mohamed Benhadj (Algeria, 1986), one of the most influential art curators from Algeria with a decade in the international field of contemporary art., is the icon of performance art known for his audacious and avant-garde style since his first beginnings in Algiers in 2010. Driven by his vision of a common global platform to provide growth opportunities to emerging artists in contemporary art, Benhadj established Al-Tiba9 in 2013. His focus has been on the international exhibition of modern art, performance, and fashion design, promoting the exchange between art institutions and artists gathering in an Arab social-cultural environment. Being the booster of the International Cultural Exchange in contemporary art in Algeria, he strengthened the possibilities of change and growth for international artists by exchanging and promoting art on a broader level. In 2014, Mohamed extended his philosophy to Barcelona, Spain, where he gave his art exhibitions in 2017 a new touch by merging performance and fashion design as an alternative platform for independent designers to freely express themselves and introduce them to the art world. Mohamed Benhadj has been carrying on his journey for over ten years now; where he has collaborated with the Ministry of Culture, Museums, Art Institutions, Embassies, and Art Centers, becoming the most active curator from Algeria to establish his contemporary art gallery in the heart of Barcelona representing a mix of Eastern and Western artists with a special focus in African and middle eastern art. His goal is to create a new pole of contemporary art in North Africa, creating a solid cultural bridge between the East and the West by offering the world a unique experience of creativity, possibility, and growth like no other around the globe.

Exposiciones comisariadas
Journey Of Light

Entrada actualizada el el 11 nov de 2024

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

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