
Maya Weishof

1993 en Curitiba, Parana, Brasil
Reside en São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil
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Descripción del Artista
Maya Weishof (Curitiba, PR) é graduada em Artes Visuais pela Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR. Participou do grupo de investigações práticas em pintura, sob orientação de Regina Parra e Rodolpho Parigi; e do Núcleo de Artes Visuais SESI, sob orientação de Ricardo Basbaum. Em 2016, foi selecionada para o programa de residência artística da Zaratan Arte Contemporânea em Lisboa, Portugal. Exposições individuais: “Tente ver o oceano” (Boiler Galeria, Curitiba PR. Curadoria de Ulisses Carrilho, 2016) e “Existe uma medida do mundo” (Acervo Independente, Porto Alegre - RS. Curadoria Isadora Mattiolli, 2017). Principais exposições coletivas: “A Vastidão dos Mapas” (Museu Oscar Niemeyer, Curitiba, 2017), com curadoria de Agnaldo Farias; “Confluências Poéticas” (SESC Paço da Liberdade, Curitiba, PR). < ENG Maya Weishof (1993, Curitiba, Brazil). Lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil. Graduated in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Paraná – UFPR, where she also participated in the Extension Project in Visual ... Arts under the orientation of Geraldo Leão. In 2016 she was selected for the Zaratan Arte Contemporânea art residency program in Lisbon, Portugal and also selected for the New Poetry edict that contemplated students of visual arts from all over Brazil. In 2017 she participated in the exhibition The Vastness of Maps in MON (Oscar Niemeyer Museum) curated by Agnaldo Farias with 3 works. In early 2017 she was nominated by the magazine Amarello as one of the prominent names of the new generation in the publication “Class of 2017”. Participated in 2017 of the group of practical investigations in painting under the guidance of Regina Parra and Rodolpho Parigi in São Paulo and also of the Visual Arts Center SESI under the leading of Ricardo Basbaum. In 2018 he participates in the exhibition project Poetic Confluences of SESC Paço da Liberdade in Curitiba together with three other prominent artists in the local art scene. The Brazilian artist works mostly with painting but tries to treat the body at work as a matter and as a visual and sensory possibility, which leads her to look for experimentations of different languages, formats, invoices and supports in painting that are assimilated with a sculpture thought, for example. The paintings sprout from drawings she makes of memories, invented situations or sometimes images that dialogue with the history of art. Situations where the body is in a place of falling, sliding, deformation are recurrent. The artist seeks a juxtaposition of things - clippings, three-dimensional objects, processes of alteration and deformation of the image, are things that escape the attempt to establish a linear or closed narrative in her production.



Entrada actualizada el el 10 nov de 2023

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28 nov de 2023 - 31 ago de 2024

Madrid, España

10 jul de 2024 - 29 sep de 2024

Museo de Pontevedra - Edificio Fernández López / Pontevedra, España

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Valle del Nansa / Santander, Cantabria, España

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