Descripción del Artista
Moe Penders moved to Houston TX from El Salvador in 2009 to attend the University of Houston, where they received their BFA in Photography and Digital Media.
Moe is interested in conversations which touch upon different social aspects which are relevant to their life and experiences. Predominantly focuses on themes regarding home and culture, as well as the systemic socio-economic inequality in El Salvador. They also works with themes regarding the LGBTQIA community, and their constant work to be respected and to be afforded equal rights within all societies.
Their interest is predominantly in the traditional photographic process. They have had their darkroom/studio at El Rincón Social (ERS) since August 2015.
Creación, 14 oct de 2019
La Exhibición como Historia: Moe Pender’s Volver y Reconciliación
El programa de becas Y.ES Writers, impulsado por la Y.ES - The Robert S. Wennett and Mario Cader-Frech Foundation, alcanza su tercera edición, gracias al apoyo de Gabriela Poma y ...
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España