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Mateo Fernández-Muro




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I graduated as an architect in 2011 from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), studying a year of Master of Science (MSc) in Architecture at Faculteit Bouwkunde, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), in the Netherlands. In 2013 I obtained a Master Degree in Advanced Architectural Projects (MPAA) from Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM), where I am now a PhD candidate specializing in Landscape Architecture and Urbanism. I recently obtained an MS Degree in Design and urban Ecologies (MSDUE) from Parsons School of Design in New York in 2016. My undergraduate final project, based in Porto, has been selected in various competitions (Pasajes-iGuzzini 2011, XII Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo) while my PhD research, focused on the political relation between spatial fictions and conflict in the post-democratic city, has been presented in various media and lectures and will be shown at the Spanish pavilion in the XVI Venice Biennale of Architecture. I am currently co-editor-in-chief of Displacements: an x'scape journal. Scholarship holder in 2005 from Arquia, Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, for an internship at Alvaro Siza’s office of architecture in Porto, Portugal. Since then, I have collaborated with both national and international offices, such as Rubio & Álvarez-Sala, West-8 or FOA, in the development of significant architectural and urban designs. I have also worked as coordinator of the MPAA Master program during the course 2013-2014 at ETSAM, Madrid. In the last few years I have worked with WE ACT for Environmental Justice in NYC in the development of the Northern Manhattan Climate Action Community Plan and have been involved with indigenous communes in Quito in the design of their own planning and self-governance tools. I am currently working as a freelance architect at Cycle Projects LLC and collaborating with Mural Arts Philadelphia in a participatory design process for Southwark School Garden in South Philadelphia. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mateo Fernández-Muro is the grandson and co-executor of the Estate of Sarah Grilo and José Antonio Fernández-Muro. He has contributed extensively to the Estate, aiming to preserve and advance global understanding of the legacy of the artists' life and artwork.

Entrada actualizada el el 21 mar de 2019

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