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Mark Sealy

Nació en 1960 en London, London, City of, Reino Unido



Artistas comisariados
Mario Cravo Neto en: A Serene Expectation of Light, 2016

Director en: Autograph ABP  (Desde ene 1991)

Descripción del Profesional del arte

Director de Autograph ABP (La Asociación de Fotógrafos Negros), en Londres (Reino Unido). Mark Sealy has a special interest in photography and its relationship to social change, identity politics and human rights. At Autograph he has initiated the production of over 40 publications, produced exhibitions, residency projects and commissioned artists globally. During his time with the organisation, Sealy has jointly initiated and developed a £7.96 million capital building project (Rivington Place) in partnership with the Institute of International Visual Arts. This is the first new build visual arts project to be built in London for over 40 years. He has guest lectured extensively throughout the UK and abroad including The Royal College of Art, Sothebys Art Institute and Harvard University, and has written for the several journals, was photography coordinator for the Africa 95 season and has been a member of the jury for World Press Photography. Sealy’s most recent curated project is, Disposable People: a Hayward Gallery Touring exhibition which opened at Royal Festival Hall in London Oct 08 and Bangladesh 1971 for Autograph ABP at Rivington Place. His book project with Phaidon Press Limited titled “Different” on photography and identity with Professor Stuart Hall has received critical acclaim. Sealy was recently awarded the Hood Medal for services to photography by the Royal Photographic Society and is currently a PhD candidate at Durham University. His research focuses on photography and cultural violence.

Entrada actualizada el el 14 ene de 2016

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Actualidad, 14 ene de 2016

Primera individual del brasileño Mario Cravo Neto en Reino Unido


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