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Marisa Benjamim

Nació en 1981 en Portugal



Abstracción orgánica  Abstracto  Arte ambiental  Arte contemporáneo  Bioarte  Floral 

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Descripción del Artista

CV Education Current . MA Art in Context, Universität der Künste Berlin (DE) 2006 . MA Visual Arts, ESAD, Caldas da Rainha (Portugal) 2004 . Bachelor Sculpture ESTGAD, Caldas da Rainha (Portugal) Solo Exhibitions 2017 . Flors I Violas, La Destilleria Espai Cultural, Barcelona (ES) 2016 . Floristaurant, Boqueria, Boqueria- Food Cultura led by Antoni Miralda, Barcelona (ES) 2015 . Descent, F.Benjamina- Nature Art Project, Berlin (DE) 2013 . Fall: A movement downward, Expo Gallery art space, Berlin (DE) 2012 . Following the light, in the frame of the festival Berlinda, Berlin(DE) 2011 . Flying with the feet on the ground, Hotel25 kunstraum, Berlin (DE) Group Exhibitions(selected) 2018 . Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More« Riga Biennial, Latvia 2018 . Watch your Bubble!- Art and Science- in cooperation with Humbolt Universität and Einstein Foundation School of Mind and Brain, Gallery Nord – Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin (DE) 2017 . 24H Brl/Wro, Ulica Ofiar Oswiecimskich 14, Wroclaw (PL) 2017 . Good Friends, Kunstpunkt Berlin Galerie für aktuelle Kunst; Berlin (DE) 2017 . Plant Cure, Haber Space in collaboration with the New York Academy of Medicine, New York (US) 2017 . The Wasteland?, in the frame of art and science program, Haber Space at Central Booking, new York (US) 2016 . Benjamim´s Kitchen, In the frame of POW, Gallery Wedding, Berlin (DE) 2015 . Rhythm; Women to Watch 2015” National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington (US) 2015 . Imitation of Life, in the frame of the festival48 Stunden Neukolln, Berlin (DE) 2014 . Growing, Biennial of Visual Arts, Varna (BG) 2014 . Hydromemories, Waterwheel World Water Day Symposium, Node Center/ João Cocteau; Berlin (DE) 2014 . 30 Plants in a bag, Jahre jwd in 30 Jahre Hohenschönhausen; Berlin (DE) 2014 . Ervário, Art Festival A porta, Leiria (PT) 2014 . More then a million, Glogauair Gallery, Berlin (DE) 2013 . Rhythums, Institut für alles mögliche, Berlin (DE) 2013 . Cactus, Meme Gallery, Cagliari (ITA) 2013 . Around the nature, Apartment Project, Berlin (DE) 2012 . O peso e a Ideia, Plataforma Revolver, Lisbon (PT) 2012 . Empirical Survey on a Heritage, Lazaretto di Cagliari Centro Culturale di Arte, Cagliari (IT) 2011 . Berlin Island, Supermarket, Berlin (DE) 2011 . As is, Juno Gallery, Berlin (DE) Performances (selected) 2018 . Floristaurant- Central Market- in the frame of the public art program, Riga Biennial 2016 . Floristaurant- Zu Gast bei BQ, Nr. 20: AUGURY, Galerie BQ, Berlin (DE) 2013 . Tracing Gravity, in the frame of the festival Month of Performance Art; Berlin Berlin (DE) 2012 . When plants grow legs, in the frame of the festival Month of Performance Art; Berlin (DE) 2011 . Around nature, Junno Gallery, Berlin (DE) 2011 . Heart lies in the roots, RAM – Access Memory, Mica Moca Project, Berlin (DE) Grants & Fellowships 2017 . Grant-Specialization and Professional Appreciation in Arts, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisboa (PT) 2012 . Installation project for the center of Art Lazzareto di Santa´Elia, Cagliary (IT) 2011 . Land Art project sponsored by the Sardinisch Kunstzentrum, Samatzai (IT) 2017 . D´abord les Forêts, Centre d´art la maison laurentine, Haute-Marne (FR) Residencies 2018 . Artist in residence, Inter.meada, Alvito (PT) 2014 . Artist in Residence, Vom Anhalten des Verschwindens Project, Lamspringe (DE) 2013 . Artist in Residence, Institut für alles mögliche, Berlin (DE) 2012 . Artist in Residence, Berlin Island, Samatzai; (IT) 2011 . Artist in Residency, Centre d´art la maison laurentine; Haute-Marne (FR) 2011 . Artist in Residency, Culturia – research project on artistic process; Berlin (DE) 2011 . Artist in Residency, Museu Bernardo; Caldas da Rainha (PT)

Galería de Obra de Marisa Benjamim (2 Obras)

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista

Entrada actualizada el el 15 jun de 2020

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