Comisario, Investigador/Docente

Mariana Pestana

Mariana Pestana - Photo: Daniel Oduntan - Cortesía de Istanbul Design Biennial
Reside en Lisboa, Portugal
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Mariana Pestana ha sido curadora del Victoria and Albert Museum (Londres). _______ Mariana Pestana vive e trabalha em Lisboa. É arquiteta, curadora e investigadora no campo do design e arquitetura contemporâneos. Cria programas culturais como exposições, eventos, instalações e publicações. É cofundadora e diretora dos The Decorators, um estúdio interdisciplinar que cria projetos colaborativos — desde peças de imobiliário a edifícios — que têm como propósito expandir noções de lugar, comunidade e comensalidade (o ato de comer com outros). Foi curadora de várias exposições e programas culturais, entre eles a 5.ª Bienal de Design de Istanbul, intitulada Empathy Revisited: designs for more than one (2020-21), e as exposições Eco-Visionários (maat, Lisboa, Matadero, Madrid, e Royal Academy, Londres) e The Future Starts Here (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2018). Trabalhou como curadora no Departamento de Arquitetura, Design e Digital no Victoria and Albert Museum (2015–19) e lecionou na Central Saint Martins (2011–14) e na ... Chelsea College of Arts (2012–16), entre outras universidades. É atualmente Professora Auxiliar Convidada no Instituto Superior Técnico em Lisboa. _______ Pestana, who works between Porto and London, is one of the co-founders of The Decorators, an interdisciplinary practice that makes collaborative public realm interventions and cultural programs. Her personal interest lies in critical social practice and the role of fiction in re-imagining futures for an age marked by technological progress and an ecological crisis. Having previously worked as a curator at the Department of Architecture, Design and Digital at the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), Pestana recently co-curated the exhibitions titled The Future Starts Here at the V&A (2018) and ArkDes – Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design (2019), Eco Visionaries: Art and Architecture After the Anthropocene at MAAT (2018), Eco Visionaries: Towards an Interspecies Future at Matadero (2019), and a third iteration of the latter, which will open at The Royal Academy in November 2019. She was also the curator of The Real and Other Fictions, which was exhibited in 2013 under Close, Closer, the third edition of the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, and This Time Tomorrow, the V&A display at the World Economic Forum 2016 in Davos. At the moment she is curating Fiction Practice, the Young Curators Lab for the Porto Design Biennale 2019. Pestana’s academic career has led her to teach at institutions such as Central Saint Martins, Chelsea College of Arts, and Royal College of Arts. She holds a PhD in Architecture from the Bartlett School of Architecture. Istanbul Design Biennial’s Advisory Board commented on Pestana, “Mariana Pestana’s passionate approach will be beneficial to the biennial in many ways, and her critical reflections on contemporary issues and inquiries into fictional futures are quite intriguing. We believe that she will put all her soul into turning this edition into a memorable one, and relish the opportunity to extend the collaborative approach of the Istanbul Design Biennial.” The 5th Istanbul Design Biennial Advisory Board members are Jan Boelen, curator of the 4th Istanbul Design Biennial and newly appointed rector of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design; Carlos Mínguez Carrasco, senior curator at ArkDes – Swedish Centre for Architecture and Design; Selva Gürdoğan, partner at SUPERPOOL – International Multidisciplinary Design Studio; Catherine Ince, curator of the V&A East project; and Amelie Klein, independent curator and writer.



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