Organizaciones con obra
Profesionales con obra
Descripción del Artista
The work of María Edwards (Chile, 1982) has its origin in her will of assuming herself as an active observer of the world, from her own exercises of discarding and selection…from the crossing of relationships and encounters, her long bicycle rides and her deep interest in the stars, the scientific and philosophical thought. From all these references arises the idea of “grid”, like a vast weft of spatially interconnected points, as in a constellation. The sky map traced in the earth´s surface by means of its paths.
Her journeys, blackboards, notebooks and mobile constructions, as in a philosophy of the world, a mental and physical map of experiences, as well of the status and position that the artist occupies in the world and the universe.
Her work is characterized by its coherence and consistency, which begins with the recognition of that which has been discarded and unnoticed, and ultimately with the ethics and dignity in which each of these recovered fragments of the world are brought back again to its presence, transfigured and reinterpreted by the artist´s will.
After getting her Arts bachelor degree in Universidad Finis Terrae (Santiago, Chile, 2006), and her Diploma in Cinema Photography Direction, in Universidad de Chile, 2008, Edwards travels and settles in New York (2009-2012) in order to enhance her knowledge on Engraving and Artist book discipline, doing artistic residencies in School of Visual Arts and in Lower East Side Printshop. On 2012, she was granted an invitation from the Arts Cultural Center in Mexico, Reynosa/Tamaulipas, to perform an individual exhibition, “In Between”, in the context of Tamaulipas International Arts Festival.
Her work has been exhibited in Chile and abroad, in countries like Spain, United States, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, México, Paris, London and others. She has also taken part in international art fairs; Pinta Art Fair-New York, ArteBA-Buenos Aires, Art Lima-Peru, Arco-Madrid, YIA-Paris, ArtBo- Colombia, ChaCo-Chile.
She has recently been awarded the "Art for Science" award from the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) Santiago, Chile. Nominated with the ArtNexus / EFG award at the International Art Fair, ArtLima 2015. Awarded by the European Network of Art and Digital Science with double residence (at the European Southern Observatory in the Atacama Desert and AEC Future Lab, Austria) The results of this residence were exhibited at the Ars Electronic Festival in Linz, 2015, as well as 7 mobile exhibitions at the seven cultural network partner institutions (Center for the promotion of science, Serbia- DIG Gallery, Slovakia- Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation, Spain- Kapelica Gallery/ Kersnikova, Slovenia - GV Art, United Kingdom - Laboral, Spain - Science Gallery, Ireland). Getting the first "Prix Ars Electronica Award".
El trabajo de María Edwards (Chile, 1982) tiene su origen en su voluntad de entenderse a sí misma como un observador activo del mundo, desde sus propios ejercicios de selección pasando por el cruce de relaciones y encuentros, sus largos paseos en bicicleta y su profundo interés en las estrellas, el pensamiento científico y filosófico. De todas estas referencias surge la idea de la "trama", como la conexión de puntos sobre el espacio, una constelación y mapa del cielo, trazado en la superficie terrestre a través de sus recorridos.
Obtuvo su licenciatura en Arte de la Universidad Finis Terrae (Santiago, Chile, 2006), un diploma en Dirección de Fotografía de la Universidad de Chile, 2008. Entre 2009-2012 reside en Nueva York profundizando sus estudios en The School of Visual Arts y Lower East Side Printshop.
Su trabajo ha sido exhibido en Chile, España, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Colombia, Perú, México, París, Londres y otros. Además ha participado en Ferias Internacionales de Arte tales como Pinta Art Fair-Nueva York, ArteBA-Buenos Aires, Art Lima-Perú, Arco-Madrid, YIA-Paris, ArtBo- Colombia, ChaCo-Chile y en la XX Bienal de Guatemala.
Recientemente ha recivido el premio "Arte para la ciencia", otorgado por la Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) Santiago, Chile. Nominada al premio ArtNexus/EFG, en La Feria Internacional de Arte, ArtLima, Perú 2015. Premiada por la Red Europea de Arte y Ciencia Digital con una doble residencia junto con recibir el “Prix Ars Electronica Award”, otorgado por Ars Electronica future Lab, Linz, Austria. Los resultados de dicha residencia fueron exhibidos en el Festival Ars Electrónica en Linz, 2015, así como en 7 exposiciones móviles en los 7 centros asociados a la red Europea cultural (Centro para la promoción de la ciencia, Serbia-DIG Galería, Eslovaquia- Zaragoza Fundación Ciudad del Saber, España- Kapelica Gallery / Kersnikova, Eslovenia - GV Arte, Reino Unido - Laboral, España - Galería de Ciencia, Irlanda).
María Edwards’ work arises from the "encounter" between both ideas and things, and the space that divides and connects art, science, music and mathematics.
Recorriendo – Recolectando – Resignificando (Wandering – Collecting – Giving New Meaning). The repetition of her habits in the daily mantra is the essence of her search making an art that is coherent with her way of life.
Stepping into María’s atelier or entering her works of art is akin to coming into a world within a world, a space in which each of the things contained there are in complete balance with each other. Maps, stars, stones, bones, feathers, wheels, sticks; old books on physics, mechanics and astronomy; music scores, boxes and parts of obsolete machinery are everywhere, hanging from the ceiling, floating in space, and scattered on the floor. Small carpentry gadgets full of ideas, each and every one of these findings in its full state, "loaded with the weight of things and also with their levity," says María about respect, death and life’s most minute form, about synchronicity and fidelity to the artist’s own impulses that led her to drag those objects to her workspace from wherever they were to be found. All those live! particles "subject to reactions in space", works of art "partially" made by the human hand, partially loaded with "something else", born of observation and the "encounter" or unexpected meeting between María and the world, and her accurate work of exclusion and selection.
“Exercises of balance, intents to elevate and extend a gesture in space and time, wishes to expand and contemplate...” vital impulses, metaphoric acts of connection, all of them define her work... "Constructions that are as tall and deep as my body can reach to the farthest point, and from there swing a thread or a rope, or suspend in the air the pieces in their own constant movement"... "A work that can be extended in space without invading the spatiality, projecting towards verticality." "A sequence of expansion pointing to the extension, where the lines do not go anywhere but to
Premio. 27 ene de 2025 - 10 mar de 2025 / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España
Exposición. 26 feb de 2025 - 01 sep de 2025 / Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (MNCARS) / Madrid, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España