Descripción del Artista
Marcel Borràs (Olot, 1989). Actor, director and playwright. As an actor he has worked in theatre with the directors Lluís Pascual, Álex Rigola, Lluís Homar, Georges Lavaudant, Roger Bernat and Carol López, among others. In film and television he has worked under the direction of Agustí Villaronga, Mar Coll and Pau Freixas, among others. As a theatre director he has created nine pieces since 2007 alongside Nao Albet. His most recent ones were Falsestuff. The Death of the Muses, which premiered at the National Theatre of Catalonia during the 2018 Grec Festival, and Mammón which played at the Teatre Lliure of Barcelona and more recently as the Canal Theatres in Madrid. Along with Nao Albert he received the RNE Ojo Critico award in theatre in 2016 for the risks taken in their work and their commitment to contemporary language.
Grandes Eventos, 30 abr de 2019
Iberoamericanos en Pabellones Nacionales de la Bienal de Venecia 2019
Por Gustavo Pérez Diez
En los Pabellones Nacionales de España, México, Brasil, Portugal, Argentina, Perú, Uruguay, Chile, Guatemala, Cuba, Venezuela y República Dominicana participan 22 artistas y colectivos, la mayoría estrenándose en la cita ...
Exposición. 18 feb de 2025 - 15 jun de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España