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Luis Israel Martínez López

Artista, Investigador/Docente
Nació en 1987 en Aguascalientes, México



Arte digital  Arte Disidente  Diseño  Diseño Gráfico  Instalación  Multidisciplina  Multimedia  Video arte  Videoperformance 

Web  Instagram 

Descripción del Artista

My learning, working and production processes have involved for as long as I can remember a multiplicity of edges, tastes and interests that find links between them, themes and forms that juxtapose some in an ambiguous or arbitrary way and some others under more formal or rational exercises. Recurrently I find myself in the midst of the anxiety caused by the concern of pretending to be a subject that could be called conscious and contemporary. And in this state, a desire to try to problematize and try to complexify everything (or almost everything) is revealed more and more. For some years now, particularly since I began my work as a teacher in different institutions, I have been seized by an increasingly constant internal tension (which will later become manifest in some exercises) that is forged between submission to an institutional apparatus with its own interests (most of the time political and/or partisan) and the concerns of those interested in a particular discipline (art) and together with the possibilities of establishing community links outside the regulation and institutional order. I constantly think of virtuality as the power of being of things, of design as an exercise of possibility and of the imaginative act as a means of access to the utopias that motivate revolutionary acts (one's own and those of the world). The exercise of dialogue has been fundamental in my work; as a social subject and in the recognition of my ignorance and naivety. Dialogue (plain, colloquial and without theoretical-formal or academic pretensions) has been a fundamental part of my learning process and of my encounter with others. Dialogue as a process of recognition of others and above all as the possibility of encountering myself. The forms in which each exercise manifests itself and the objects that end up thrown into the world as a result of the processes are multiple and it is difficult for me to subscribe them to a particular medium because the processes more often than not end up being rhizomatic and the objects mere consequences and witnesses of them. However, I openly declare myself a technophile. In digital and electronic environments I find dimensions that capture my attention because beyond their effectiveness, in them a physis with fewer limitations and a more flexible, moldable and ethereal state of matter is more evident. I am interested in generating and activating questions and provoking dialogue about them and around their periphery. To trigger events that allow me to rethink myself as a subject of the world and also as an entity located in a particular and determined context, I like to think myself from and in the local and look for points of coincidence with the different latitudes that make up the exterior. I assume that in the dialogue and in the relationship between those who exercise it, dynamics of mutual recognition are drawn but also exercises of power (some violent - some more than others). From there I assume myself as a political subject and I try to position myself from the artistic practices in which I am involved.

Imágenes del Artista
Al final si estábamos solos
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Entrada actualizada el el 20 may de 2022

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