Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan
Descripción del Artista
Lin May Saeed (b. 1973 / Würzburg, Germany) lives and works in Berlin and Dusseldorf (DE). Her work comprises sculpture, drawing, and writing. Saeed’s key subject is the relations between humans and animals within the history of the planet, whereby she refers to various epochs from prehistorical narratives to modernism and primitivism.
In 2018, she will present a solo exhibition at Studio Voltaire, London, and take part in the group show “Metamorphosis” at Museum Castello di Rivoli, Torino, Italy, curated by Chus Martínez.
1995-2001 Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
2003 founding of exhibitionspace
Center, Berlin
2000 Scholarship Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, DE
2006 Scholarship for Sculpture Gasmesserhaus, Zürich-Schlieren, CH
2011 Peter Mertes Stipendium des Bonner Kunstvereins
Teaching Positions:
Lecture and Visiting Artist
at The Art Institute Chicago (SAIC)
Columbus Auditorium
Monday, October 1, 2015 at 4.30
Talk at HBK Braunschweig
Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig)
Johannes-Selenka-Platz 1
38118 Braunschweig
Schnittraum , 8.12.2010 at 7
Lehrauftrag Sculpture
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf 2008/09 - 2009/10
Metamorphosis (group show) -->
c: Chus Martínez, Museo Castello di Rivoli, Turino, IT
Max Brandt & Lin May Saeed (solo show) -->
What Pipeline Detroit, USA
La fin de Babylone (group show) -->
c: Chus Martínez, KölnSkulptur #9, Cologne, DE
Lulu Exhibition Space (solo show) -->
c: Chris Sharp, Mexico City, MX
Animal Lovers (group show) -->
curated by Anne Hölck, Mareike Maage, Friederike Schmitz, Hörner/Antlfinger
October 10 - November 27, 2016
Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst/ NGBK Berlin
Lin May Saeed (solo show)
Nicolas Krupp Galerie Basel, Switzerland
Opening: 02.09.2016, 6 pm (season's opening)
3 September - 29 October 2016
Trumpets (group show)
Bianca D´Allessandro Gallery Kopenhagen
June 3 - July 2, 2016
9th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art -->
Akademie der Künste Berlin
by invitation of Matthew Linde/Center for Style (group show)
June 4 - September 18, 2016
Comedy Club (group show)
by invitation of Burkhard Beschow, Anne Fellner and Jens Einhorn
Umspannwerk Richardstraße 20, Berlin-Neukölln
April / May 2016
X. Bienal de Nicaragua. (group show)
Fundación Ortiz Gurdian, NIC
by invitation of Sam Lipp and Miguel Bendana
February 11 - 15, 2016
Lin May Saeed (solo show)
Jacky Strenz Galerie, Frankfurt/Main
until April 4, 2016
Lecture and Visiting Artist
at The Art Institute Chicago (SAIC)
Columbus Auditorium
Monday, October 1, 2015 at 4.30
The Skyscraper / a horizontal view (solo show)
Julius Casear
C: Maddie Reyna
Opening Sunday October 11, 1-4 pm
Julius Caesar
3311 W. Carroll Ave.
Chicago, IL 60624, USA
Blocking (group show)
Martos Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
C: Jesse Stecklow
Animal Turn - die Hinwendung zum Tier (group show)
Städtische Galerie Waldkraiburg, DE
C: Elke Keiper
Toter Winkel (group show)
T66 kulturwerk Freiburg
C: Klaus Merkel, Achim Sakic
Opening July 10th 8 pm
Brücke im Dschungel (group show) -->
Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz
Opening Wednesday 12 of November 2014, 7pm
November 13 - 28, 2014
Corruption Feeds (group show)
Bergen Kunsthall, Norway
opening 31st october 2014
31/10 - 8/12 2014
Notes on animals (solo show) -->
Thomas Flor Galerie, Berlin
Aftercare (group show)
Opening May 1, from 7pm
May 2 - June 21 2014
Center, Kurfürstenstraße 174
10785 Berlin
organized by
Interview WDR 5/ broadcasted 18.12.13 /german -->
Der Wolkenkratzer / Skyscraper -->
Jacky Strenz Galerie, Frankfurt/Main
Opening 15.11.2013, 19-21 h
Tierbefreiung -->
das aktuelle Tierrechtsmagazin
20 Jahre / 1993-2013
Text in Magazine for Animal Liberation /german
Grane (solo show)
Jacky Strenz Galerie, Frankfurt/Main
7.9.- 26.10.2013
Blockupy -->
Bilder des Modells
"Der Wolkenkratzer"
with Melanie Bujok
Lin May Saeed - Stanislava Kovalcikova
dok 25a Projektraum
T. Langenkamp / A. Schön, Düsseldorf
until 15th April 2013
Grandes Eventos, 22 sep de 2017
Chus Martínez y sus 8 artistas para KölnSkulptur #9 nos contarán historias
Para esta novena edición, comisariada por Chus Martínez, se han producido ocho nuevas obras específicas de Andrea Büttner, Claudia Comte, Eduardo Navarro, Lin May Saeed, Jan Kiefer, Teresa Solar, Solange ...
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Formación. El 26 mar de 2025 / Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza / Madrid, España
Ebó, mandinga y garrafadas: recetas entremedio de la cultura para sobrevivir al fin