Descripción del Artista
Lilly Lulay, nacida en 1985 en Frankfurt, estudió fotografía, escultura y sociología de los medios de comunicación en Alemania y Francia. Su obra explora la fotografía como herramienta cultural que forma parte de la vida cotidiana. Consciente de la sobreproducción actual de imágenes, Lulay utiliza sus propias fotografías y las de otros como "materia prima" para transformarlas en objetos tangibles. Con su trabajo, investiga la influencia que los medios fotográficos (deben) tener en el comportamiento social y los mecanismos de percepción individual y colectiva.
basis.aperçu, Goethe Institut, Paris
COLLAGE I - Methode, Fotogalerie, Wien
Out of Office, MKK Museum für Konkrete Kunst, Ingolstadt
La photographie contemporaine allemande, Goethe Institut, Bordeaux
Triple Chance, korrekt, Frankfurt
Even my mum can make a book #6, Corridor Project Space, Amsterdam
Arco, gallery Kuckei+Kuckei, Madrid
Belong anywhere, Acud, Berlin
Plat(t)form 2017, Fotomuseum Winterthur
A Matter of Memory, George Eastmann Museum, Rochester NY
IEPA#1, Basis, Frankfurt (with Béranger Laymond, duo)
Delving into visual strata, gallery Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin (solo)
Second Hands, gallery binôme, Paris
Persistance, la MIX, Mourenx
Athens Photo Festival, Benaki Museum, Athens
Recomposing the city, galerie du Second jeudi, Bayonne (solo)
Circulation(s), festival of young european photography, 104, Paris
Upload Yourself, Warte für Kunst, Kassel (solo)
À Dessein, gallery binôme, Paris
Alptraum, RAE space for contemporary art, Berlin
Collect, Structure & Map, Basis project space, Frankfurt (solo)
Fotografia Contemporanea dall’Europa nord-occidentale,
Fondazione Fotografia Modena
Interdisciplinary, Galeri/MIZ, Istanbul
Reframe Memory, Benaki Museum, Athens
RAY 2015, OFFM public art panels, Frankfurt
Alptraum (Nightmare),Visual Voice Gallery, Montreal
Amigdala, Tart gallery, Zürich
Indistance, gallery Kuckei & Kuckei, Berlin (solo)
Nouvelles Aquisitions, Artothèque de Pessac
FdJT, curated by Roos Gortzak, Offenbach
Unseen Amsterdam, gallery Kuckei + Kuckei, Amsterdam
Even my mom can make a book 4#, Project Room, Berlin
Les dérivés de la photographie, Artothèque de Pessac/Frac Aquitaine
House of Vetti, gallery Koenig and Clinton, New York
Paris Photo, gallery Kuckei + Kuckei, Paris
Lichtbilder, Stiftung Opelvillen, Rüsselsheim (solo)
Morceaux Choisis, gallery Ilka Bree, Bordeaux (solo)
All Hands Manöver, Kunstverein Speyer
Ausgezeichnet, Art Collection Deutsche Börse, Eschborn
Cartes Postales d´Artistes, Goethe Institut Lyon
Rethinking Reality, gallery Kuckei + Kuckei, Berlin
Spieglein, Spieglein, collaboration HfG OF / Goethe University Frankfurt
ein Durchgang, RAY Fotografieprojekte Rhein Main, Frankfurt
Traces to find-Things to explore, FAK, Münster (with Magalie Levebvre, duo)
Überqualifiziertes Material, Zeitraum Exit, Mannheim
L’espace de l’autre, Centre d’art et photographie de Lectoure
on-off-on, Naspa, Wiesbaden
Mindscapes, gallery Ilka Bree, Bordeaux (solo)
Nouvelles Aquisitions 2011, Arthothèque de Pessac
Preview Berlin, gallery Ilka Bree, Berlin
Déballées, Gallery Ilka Bree, Bordeaux
Cést le bon, 18:52, Offenbach
2017 Dieecke Haus residency, Santiago de Chile
2017 Olympus recommended scholarship, FFF Fotografie Forum Frankfurt/ Deichtorhallen Hamburg / foam Amsterdam
2016 IEPA residency, Hendaye
2015 catalogue grant, Kulturamt Frankfurt
2015 Galeri/MIZ residency, Istanbul
2014 Pix Virginia shortlist, Paris
2013 scholarship Künstlerhilfe Frankfurt
2012 Deutsche Börse and HfG Offenbach photo award
Public Collections
George Eastman Museum, USA
Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Italy
Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, Germany
Art Collection DZ Privatbank, Germany
Schufa Art Collection, Germany
Arthothèque de Pessac, France
Arthothèque de Pau, France
Arthothèque du Limousin, France
Mindscapes, Lilly Lulay, Revolver publishing, ISBN 978-3-95763-346-0, 2016
Circulation(s), festival of young european photography, Bec en l‘ air, Paris ISBN 978-2-36744-092-7, 2016
European Month of Photography, Kulturprojekte Berlin, 2016
IEPA#1, Lilly Lulay / Béranger Laymond, Basis FFM/Nekatoenea AIR, 2016
Contemporary Photography from North-Western Europe
Skira, Milano 2015, Fondazione Fotografia di Modena, 2015
Construction d´Images, self-published, 2014
Lichtbilder, solo-exhibition catalogue, Opelvillen, Rüsselsheim, 2013
All Hands Manöver, exhibition catalogue, Kunstverein Speyer, 2013
Krankheit Natur, Hate Magazin#9, 2012
Traces to find-Things to explore, exhib. cat., FAK Münster, 2012
Spieglein, Spieglein, exhib. cat., collab. HfG OF / Goethe University Frankfurt, 2012
Überqualifiziertes Material, exhibition catalogue, Kunstraum EXIT, Mannheim, 2012
on-off-on, Naspa, exhibtion catalogue, Wiesbaden, 2012
2014 Diploma with juries mention
University of Art and Design Offenbach, Germany
Fine Art Photography: Prof. Martin Liebscher
Sculpture: Prof. Wolfgang Luy
Media Sociology: Prof. Dr. Marc Ries
The Facebook profile picture as a contemporary form of photographic portraiture
2008 - 2009
École des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, France
Creación, 27 may de 2019
12 fichajes internacionales en galerías iberoamericanas
Una docena de creadores que van de lo emergente –el más joven, el argentino Ulises Mazzucca- a lo consagrado –la colombiana Fany Sanín o la brasileña Sonia Andrade- colaboran por primera vez con ...
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Formación. El 26 mar de 2025 / Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza / Madrid, España
Ebó, mandinga y garrafadas: recetas entremedio de la cultura para sobrevivir al fin