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Laia Abril

Nació en 1986 en Barcelona, España



Exposiciones colectivas vigentes
Una ciudad desconocida bajo la niebla. Nuevas imágenes de la Barcelona de los barrios

Premios ganados
Premio Adquisición Colección Kells - Abierto Valencia 2023
Premios Abierto Valencia 2023
Premio Adquisición Colección La Escalera - Abierto Valencia 2023

Ferias en las que participa con OBRA
Art-o-rama 2024
ARCOmadrid 2024
Paris Photo 2016

Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan

Galerie Filles du Calvaire

Galerie Filles du Calvaire



Organizaciones con obra

Colección La Escalera

Colección La Escalera

Fotomuseum Winterthur

Fotomuseum Winterthur

FRAC Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur

FRAC Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur

Profesionales con obra

Elena Ochoa Foster

Elena Ochoa Foster

No hay actividad VIGENTE

Arte contemporáneo  Arte digital  Arte sonoro  Diseño  Fotografía  Fotoperiodismo  Video arte 

Web  Facebook  Twitter 

Descripción del Artista

Laia Abril (1986) is a research-based artist working with photography, text, video and sound. After graduating from college with a degree in Journalism she moved to New York to focus on photography where she decided to start telling intimate stories that raise uneasy and hidden realities related with sexuality, eating disorders and gender equality. In 2009, she enrolled the artist residency at FABRICA, the Benetton Research Centre in Treviso, where she worked as a researcher, photo editor and staff photographer at Colors Magazine for 5 years. Abril’s projects are produced across platforms such as installations, books, web docs, and films. Her work has been shown wildy and published internationally and is held in private collections and museums, such as Musée de l’Elysée and Fotomuseum Winterthur in Switzerland, FRAC in France and MNAC or FotoColectania in Barcelona. She has published several books —Thinspiration (self-published, 2012), Tediousphilia (Musée de l’Elysée, 2014) and the highly- acclaimed The Epilogue (Dewi Lewis, 2014), which was shortlisted for the Paris Photo-Aperture First Book Award, Kassel PhotoBook Festival, Photo España Best Book Award and referred to as “a masterpiece of a photobook“ by critic Jörg Colberg. In 2016 she published Lobismuller (RM Verlag) which was the first recipient of the Images Book award at Festival Images where was also first exhibited in Vevey, Switzerland the same year. After completing her five-year project On Eating Disorders, Abril embarked on her new long-term project, A History of Misogyny. Its first chapter On Abortion was first exhibited at The Rencontres d’Arles in 2016; and was the first recipient of the Prix de la Photo Madame Figaro, produced with the support of the Fotopress Grant and nominated for the ICP-Infinity award or Foam Paul Huf among others. The show has been exhibited in more than 10 countries including The Photographers Gallery (London), the Museum of Contemporary Art (Zagreb) or el Centro de la Imagen (Mexico), the Museum of Sex (New York) and was the recipient of the Royal Photographic Society’s Hood Medal. The book On Abortion and the repercussions of lack of access (Dewi Lewis, 2018) was the winner of the Aperture Best Book Award in 2018 as well as finalist of the prestigious Deutsche Börse in 2019. Abril is currently developing the next chapters, On Rape —recipient of the Visionary Award and the Magnum Fundation grant and the Genesis chapter On Mass Hysteria —nominee of the swiss Prix Elysée. Abril is currently based in Barcelona and represented by the parisian gallery Les Filles du Calvaire.

Galería de Obra de Laia Abril (5 Obras)

Videos del Artista (6)

Imágenes del Artista
Lobismuller (RM, 2017)

Entrada actualizada el el 08 oct de 2024

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Recomendaciones ARTEINFORMADO

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Santander Emplea Cultura - 11 edición

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Exposición. 15 oct de 2024 - 16 feb de 2025 / Museo Nacional del Prado / Madrid, España

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