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Katrin Niedermeier

Nació en 1978 en Alemania



Galerías y otras organizaciones que le representan



Animación  Arte tecnológico  Arte virtual  Instalación  Pintura  Realidad virtual 


Descripción del Artista

In her work, Katrin Niedermeier reflects the entanglement of the “real”, analogue world with the virtual space and the influence of digital technologies on human condition. Her mixed-media installations ( animation, installation, video and painting) are thereby resulting extended forms of subjective spaces and habitat, showing multiple alter egos and investigations of changing reception and emotion as part of an evolving networked society. By diluting the border between fiction and reality and opening the space to the unknown, her work is redefining the understanding of human, nature and machine, their interconnectivity and interaction. Based on extended research, rendered images and experimental sound recordings she creates various narrative spaces and refers critical to possible complex of problems of this utopian worlds by questioning: fiction? reality? At the same time her work is stimulated by this great possibilities of the newest technical developments introduced into our analogue world. The use of different medias such as animation, painting and installation reflect this encounter by transferring it into the actual space itself as a physical experience, in dialogue with machines and humans, between intuition and reflection and its immersion.

Entrada actualizada el el 15 ene de 2022

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