Organizaciones con obra
Descripción del Artista
Jungju An was born in Gwangju, South Korea in 1979. He lives and works in Seoul. Jungju An is a graduate of the College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University (2003, BFA) and the School of Communication and Art, Yonsei University (2011, MFA).
Jungju An is interested in the language of propaganda and its impact on the individual. His inspiration comes from his own experience of growing up in a country which has been going through a systematic radical transformation. In his experimental videos and video installations, he examines diverse types of social performances, depicting mundane situations and public events, such as
military parades, sports games, community gatherings and youth activities, deconstructing and transforming them into a sequence that acquires a new significance. These are staged, recorded or archive-sourced moving images and sounds that the artist subordinates to visual semantics of his own. The frames pulsate, overlap, pause, repeat and reverse, extracting information from their original context to arrive at almost abstract – if suggestive – imagery. Through exploring the potential of the medium, the artist moves on to probing the mechanics of ideological control of the individual.
Hand in Hand with Amigos para Siempre combines archival film materials from the Summer Olympics – in Seoul in 1988 and Barcelona in 1992. Referencing the official songs accompanying both events, the work echoes the distinctive ambiance of the era of rapid globalisation. Following the Olympic
motto ‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’ the images of sporting glory reverberate with the enthusiasm accompanying South Korea’s economic expansion and political transformation that have overcome decades of post-war crisis and authoritarian government. There are parallels to the transformative effect of the Olympics on the modernisation of the Catalan industrial city of Barcelona.
Jungju An draws on the memories preserved in the historical recordings, yet significant editorial interventions in the records break up the continuity of the narrative and provide a counterpoint to the nostalgic spirit of the work. The actions are frozen; they slow down or are compulsively repeated, stopping short of a crescendo of fulfilment. The final dissolution – a triumph? A failure? – is thus anticipated but never completed, leaving the viewer in a permanent state of bewilderment and suspense.
Jungju An
Born in Gwangju, South Korea
Live and Works in Seoul
2006-2011 MFA, Graduate School of Communication & Art, Yonsei Univ.
1998-2003 BFA, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National Univ.
Solo exhibition
2016 Loop, Doosan Gallery, New York, USA
2015 Chain Letter, DooSan Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2014 Distant World, Make shop artspace, Kyungki, Korea
2013 Ten single shots, Gallery Zandari, Seoul, Korea
2012 Honest Person, Project Space Sarubia, Seoul, Korea
2009 Harmony-Lip Sync Project 2, Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany
2007 Turn Turn Turn, Kumho Museum, Seoul, Korea
2005 Video Music, Artforum Newgate, Seoul, Korea
Group Exhibitions(selected)
2018 Collection Highlights: Synchronic Moments, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
2017 Songeun ArtAward Exhibition, Seoul, Korea
2017 Dancers, Gyeongnam Art Museum, Changwon, Korea
2017 Dancers, Art Space Pool, Seoul, Korea
2017 Lesson 0, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
2017 Video Portrait, Total Museum, Seoul, Korea
2017 SAMRAMANSANG, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
2017 Accidentally, the night again, Wumin art center, Cheongju, Korea
2016 Mass_and_Individual: The Archive of the Guyanese Mass Games, Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2015 This Rose-garland Crown, Atelier Hermes, Seoul, Korea
2015 Commemorative Exhibition of the 70th Anniversary of Liberation: the Great Journey with the Citizens Uproarious, Heated, Inundated, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
2015 Festival 284 Michin Plaza, Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea
2015 The Future is Now!, National Museum of XXI Century Arts(MAXXI), Rome, Italy
2014 New works of 9 promising Artists 2014-The Breath of Fresh, Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art, Gyeonggi, Korea
2014 A View from the other side, Munsin Museum, Seoul, Korea
2014 How to enjoy your free time. One day. Nicely, Seoul 284, Seoul, Korea
2013 The Shodow of the Future. National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Perception and Experience, Moran museum of art, Kyoungki, Korea
2012 The Un-Bound Archive, Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2012 Image and Text – Ut Oictura Poesis, One & J. Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2012 Hello Stranger, Sydeny Council, Cydeny, Australia
2012 Continued Art Impossible community, Seoul Art Space_Geumcheon, Seoul, Korea
2012 Travel Art: Artists on the Road, Gyunggi Museum of Modern Art, Anyang, Korea
2011 No.45 Kumho Young Artist, Kumho Museum, Seoul, Korea
2011 Innerspacing the City, Chelsea Art Museum, Newyork, USA
2011 Biennale Giovani Monza 2011, Monza, Italy
2011 My Dears…Happiness consists of being able to tell the truth without hurting any one, Mongin Art Center, Seoul, Korea
2010 Fragmented Paysage, Dagu Culture & Arts Center, Dagu, Korea
2010 Young Korean Artists 30, National Museum of Contemporary, Kwachum, Korea
2010 New Year Zodiac Animals in FAAM, Fukuoka Asia Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
2009 Beginning of New Year, Kimusa - National Museum of Contemporary, Seoul, Korea
2009 Empoium - A New Common Sense of Space Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica Leonardo Da Vinci, Milano, Italy
2009 Fukuoka Asia Triennale, Fukuoka Asia Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
2009 The Cinematic-Montage, Seoul City Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2009 5 cubed: Multiplicity of Contemporary Art from Korea, Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, USA
2009 Doblule Fantasy, MIMOCA, Marugame, Japan
2009 Outdoor Cinema, Rakket, Sørfinnset, Norway
2009 Early Heaven - from Nanjing, Tokyo and Helsinki, Oita, Japan
2008 It’s a sunny day - Short works, MIACA, Yokohama, Japan
2008 Performance Art & Sports, Beijing Museum, Beijing, China
2008 Sport & Numerique, Cite das Science et de I’industrie, Paris, France
2008 Cine Forum 4 : Digtal Portfolio, MoA, Seoul, Korea
2007 Insa Art Media Screening 2007, Seoul Art Cinema, Seoul, Korea
2007 Where Euclid Walked, Seoul City Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
2007 NYRJAHDSY, Klubi, Rahti, Finland
2007 Sound Art 101, ssamzi Art Studio, Seoul, Korea
2007 ARCO 07, Canal de Isabel, Madrid, Spain
2006 Young Korean Artists, National Museum of Contemporary, Kwachum, Korea
2006 ISA “Yeol” Insa Art Space, Seoul, Korea
2006 A Three-cornered Relation, Ilju Art, Seoul, Korea
2006 A New Wave of Contemporary Asian Film, Bonhams, England
2018 Delfina Foundation, London, England
2016 Hans Nafkin Foundation, Barcelona, Spain
2016 Doosan Residency New York, New York, USA
2009 Artist in Residence in Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
2008 Kunstlerhaus Bethanien GmbH, Berlin, Germany
2007 HIAP Artist in Residence, Helsinki, Finland
광주생, 대한민국
2006-2011 연세대학교 커뮤니케이션대학원
1998-2003 서울대학교 미술대학
Solo exhibition
2016 Loop, 두산갤러리 뉴욕, 뉴욕, 미국
2015 행운의 편지, 두산겔러리, 서울, 한국
2014 아득한세계, 메이크샵 아트 스페이스, 파주, 한국
2013 열번의 총성, 갤러리 잔다리, 서울, 한국
2012 정직한 사람, 프로젝트 스페이스 사루비아, 서울, 한국
2009 Harmony-Lip Sync Project 2, 쿤스트하우스 베타니엔, 베를린, 독일
2007 Turn Turn Turn, 금호미술관, 서울, 한국
2005 Video Music, 아트포럼 뉴게이트, 서울, 한국
Group Exhibitions(selected)
2018 동시적 순간, 국립현대미술관, 과천, 서울
2017 송은미술대상, 송은아트센터, 서울, 한국
2017 무용수들, 경남도립미술관, 창원, 한국
2017 무용수들, 아트스페이스 풀, 서울, 한국
2017 레슨 제로, 국립현대미술관, 과천, 한국
2017 Video Portrait, 토탈미술관, 서울, 한국
2017 삼라만상, 국립현대미술관 서울관, 서울, 한국
2017 우현히도 다시 밤, 우민아트센터, 서울, 한국
2016 군중과 개인 가이아나 매스게임 아카이브, 아르코미술관, 서울, 한국
2015 장미로 엮은 이 왕관, 아뜰리에 에르메스, 서울, 한국
2015 “소란스러운, 뜨거운, 넘치는”, 국립현대미술관 서울관, 서울, 한국 2015 미친광장, 문화역 서울 294, 서울, 한국
2015 미래는 지금이다!, 로마 국립21세기현대미술관, 로마, 아탈리아
2015 우글거리는 미로들, 금천예술공장, 서울, 한국
2014 생생화화, 경기도미술관, 안산, 한국
2014 건너편의 시선, 문신미술관, 서울, 한국
2014 여가의 기술, 문화역 284, 서울, 한국
2013 그늘진 미래 – 한국비디오아트전, 부카레스트 현대미술관, 부카레스트, 루마니아
2013 지각과 경험, 모란미술관, 경기, 한국
2012 언바운드 아카이브, 아르코미술관, 서울, 한국
2012 글과 그림, 원앤제이 갤러리. 서울, 한국
2012 Hello stranger, 시드니문화원, 시드니, 호주
2012 계속되는 예술 불가능한 공동체, 금천예술공장, 서울, 한국
2012 생각여행 – 길떠난 예술가 이야기, 경기도 미술관, 안산, 한국
2011 No.45 Kumho Young Artist, 금호미술관, 서울, 한국
2011 Innerspacing the City, 챌시미술관, 뉴욕, 한국
2011 지오바니 몬자 비엔날레 2011, 몬자, 이탈리아
2011 행복, 몽인아트센터, 서울, 한국
2010 조각난 풍경, 대구문화예술회관, 대구, 한국
2010 젊은모색 30, 국립현대미술관, 과천, 한국
2010 New Year Zodiac Animals in FAAM, 후쿠오카 아시아 미술관, 후쿠오카, 일본
2009 신호탄전, 기무사, 국립현대미술관, 서울, 한국
2009 Empoium - A New Common Sense of Space, Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica Leonardo Da Vinci 미술관, 밀라노, 이탈리아
2009 후쿠오카 아시아 트리엔날레, 후쿠오카 아시아 미술관, 후쿠오카, 일본
2009 감각의 몽타주, 서울시립미술관, 서울, 한국
2009 5 cubed: Multiplicity of Contemporary Art from Korea, Mary Ryan Gallery, 뉴욕, 미국
2009 Doblule Fantasy, MIMOCA, 마루가메, 일본
2009 Outdoor Cinema, Rakket, 쏘르핀세트, 노르웨이
2009 Early Heaven – 난징 동경 그리고 헬싱키로부터, 오이타, 일본
2008 It’s a sunny day - Short works, MIACA, 요쿠하마, 일본
2008 Performance Art & Sports, 북경뮤지엄, 북경, 중국
2008 Sport & Numerique, Cite das Science et de I’industrie, 파리, 프랑스
2008 시네포럼4 : 디지털 포트폴리오, 모아, 서울, 한
2007 인사아트 스크리닝 2007, 서울아트시네마, 서울, 한국
2007 유클리드의 산책, 서울시립미술관, 서울, 한국
2007 NYRJAHDSY, Klubi, 라띠, 핀란드
2007 사운드아트 101, 쌈지스페이스, 서울, 한국
2007 ARCO 07, Canal de Isabel, 마드리드, 스페인
2006 젊은모색, 국립현대미술관, 과천, 한국
2006 인미공 “열”전, 인사미술공간, 서울, 한국
2006 미묘한 삼각관계, 일주아트센터, 서울, 한국
2006 A New Wave of Contemporary Asian Film, 본햄즈, 영국
2018 델피나 파운데이션, 런던, 영국
2016 한네프킨 파운데이션, 바르셀로나, 스페인
2016 두산 레지던스, 뉴욕, 미국
2009 후쿠오카 아시아 미술관 레지던스, 후쿠오카, 일본
2008 쿤스트하우스 베타니엔 레지던스, 베를린, 독일
2007 헬싱키 국제 아티스트 레지던스, 헬싱키, 핀란드
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España