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Jed Morse




Comisario Jefe en: Nasher Sculpture Center

Descripción del Profesional del arte

Chief Curator of Nasher Sculpture Center (Dallas). Morse joined the staff of the Nasher Sculpture Center in 2002 as Assistant Curator where he has organized, overseen, or assisted with numerous exhibitions, including Rodin to Calder: Masterworks of Modern Sculpture from the Nasher Collection (2003); Picasso: The Cubist Portraits of Fernande Olivier (2004); Medardo Rosso: Second Impressions (2004); Bodies Past and Present: The Figurative Tradition in the Nasher Collection (2004); an exhibition and corresponding international conference entitled Variable States: Appearance, Intention, and Interpretation in Modern Sculpture (2004); Frank Stella: Painting in Three Dimensions (2005); David Smith: Drawing and Sculpting (2005); Minimalism in the Nasher Collection (2005); The Women of Giacometti (2006); On Tour with Renzo Piano: Selected Projects from the Renzo Piano Building Workshop (2006) and more. Jed Morse received his B.A. with honors in art history in 1994 from Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont. Prior to receiving his M.A. in Modern Art History from the University of Texas at Austin in 2001, Morse served as curatorial intern at the National Museum of American Art (now Smithsonian American Art Museum) in Washington, D.C. and curatorial assistant at the Dallas Museum of Art. At the DMA, he helped organize a variety of major traveling exhibitions and assisted with their attendant catalogues, including Degas to Picasso: Painters, Sculptors, and the Camera and Henry Moore: Sculpting the 20th Century.

Entrada actualizada el el 06 oct de 2015

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