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Jaime Valtierra

Artista, Comisario
Nació en 1979 en España




Descripción del Artista

Jaime Valtierra is a Spanish painter (Madrid, 1979) based in London. Since his arrival in the UK in 2001 he has combined a regular studio painting practice with experimental incursions into other disciplines that include performance, installation and video. He has exhibited his work in the UK and across Europe. His art practice is an intellectual and emotional reaction to the world around him. It explores a personal and imaginative vision of the self and its relation to place and to others. He is particularly concerned with the analysis of essential human desires and beliefs in relation to a specific cultural context, and their articulation as form/content within the 'picture space'.  Deeply influenced by both the Spanish and British tradition of painting, his work is engaged in a constant struggle to reconcile and understand the cultural ramifications that the two nations exert on him, both from a personal and historical perspective. This dual form of marginality and inclusion determines much of his working material and subject.

Exposiciones en las que ha participado como artista
Jaime Valtierra

Exposiciones comisariadas
Steph Theobald, The Black Kight vs Galoshin, 300x210

Entrada actualizada el el 14 dic de 2017

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