Descripción del Artista
Inês Valle é curadora e consultora de arte.
É também diretora fundadora do “the Cera Project” em Londres (desde Abril 2016), uma plataforma transcultural que estimula diálogos entre arte, música, som, performance, cultura e ciência com e sobre narrativas do hemisfério sul. Ela também é co-fundadora e curadora do N’WE Collective (2016). É co-fundadora e curadora do FRAT-FRinge Bienal e Festival de Artes na Nigéria (desde 2018). Seu projecto mais recente em Portugal é VENTO SUL (Lisboa, PT).
Em 2018 comissariou a exposição "1968: The Fire of Ideas" com obras de Marcelo Brodsky, no Museu Colecao Berardo e actualmente prepara duas grandes exposições museológicas para Portugal e África do Sul.
Lives & works between Portugal, United Kingdom and Nigeria.
Inês Valle is a transcultural curator, art consultant, researcher, arts writer, artist and photographer, specializing in Aboriginal contemporary arts and culture, global curating, international social engaged art practices, art and communities, and in intercultural dialogues.
Believing in the international and interdisciplinary preservation and exchange of ideas she has initiated and participated in several projects that aim to stimulate a global - interchanging - and - understanding of the conceptual notion of the ‘other’, not to insert or present alternatives to dominant hegemonic narratives but to interrupt, interrogate and investigate the effects and possibilities of the unheard and the omitted ones.
Valle holds a BA in Visual Arts, specializing in Painting, Photography and Video-documentary and a MA in Curatorial Studies both at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, currently she is a MA candidate at the Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London.
Founder Director of “the Cera Project” (since April 2016), a transcultural exchange platform that stimulates a dialogue in art, music, sound, performance, culture and science with and about the southern hemisphere’s narratives. Co-Founder and curator of the N’WE Collective (2016). Co-Founder and Curator of the FRAT-FRinge biennial Arts Festival in Nigeria (2018). Currently is the artistic director of VENTO SUL (Lisbon, PT).
She has been collaborating with several organisations across the globe, including: TAFETA Art Gallery - Modern & African Art (UK), VELVENOIR - Art&Investment (AUS), NR PROJECT - Tattoo Art Space (UK), Omenka Gallery/ Ben Enwonwu Foundation (NIG), Canberra Contemporary Art (AU), Centro Cultural Belém (PT), Contemporary Art Museum - Colecção Museu Berardo (PT).
Premio. 13 mar de 2025 - 27 abr de 2025 / Madrid, España
Componer Saberes para imaginar y construir futuros sostenibles
Exposición. Desde 28 mar de 2025 / Artium Museoa - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del País Vasco / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava, España
Formación. 01 oct de 2024 - 04 abr de 2025 / PHotoEspaña / Madrid, España